What’re trek poles?

Trekking poles are either seen as useless or essential for outdoor activities. They help distribute body weight and shock while walking on uneven terrain, provide balance, and reduce strain on joints. They come in telescoping models with adjustable settings and various tips. Some have shock absorbers and additional features, but purists believe they are unnecessary. […]

Trek insurance: what is it?

Trekking insurance is important for adventurous travelers to protect against accidents, injuries, and medical expenses. It is required for group expeditions and recommended for solo travelers. Coverage includes trip cancellation, medical procedures, lost baggage, and repatriation. Elevation restrictions and evacuation coverage should be considered. Some destinations have their own insurance requirements. Trekking insurance is a […]

Trek supplies needed?

Hiking supplies vary depending on the location and type of trip. Personal and shared items are required for group travel, while backpacking trips require compact and light supplies. Clothing and medical supplies are necessary, as well as personal documents and money. Good boots, a hat, gloves, and scarf are also required. Villagers in the trek […]

What’s a Trek Guide’s job?

Trekking guides lead hikers through trails, sharing their knowledge of the area’s flora, fauna, and inhabitants. They work for tourism agencies or are self-employed, and training is offered by adventure tourism agencies and travel guide schools. Guides must possess excellent communication, social, and organizational skills. They lead groups on day, overnight, or month-long hikes, and […]

MLK Jr. Star Trek fan?

Martin Luther King Jr convinced actress Nichelle Nichols to stay on Star Trek, where she played Lt. Uhura, a symbol of the civil rights movement. King praised the show’s racial diversity and allowed his children to watch it. King forgave his attacker in a previous assassination attempt and is the only American besides George Washington […]

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