What’s a troll?

Trolls in Norse mythology were magical and unattractive beings, inspiring the term for internet troublemakers. They disrupt online forums by breaking rules and provoking members. The best way to deal with trolls is to ignore them, but some people still engage with them. Moderated forums are less susceptible to trolls, but some prefer unmoderated ones […]

What’s an Internet troll?

Internet trolls post offensive or controversial material to provoke a response. They can be combated by ignoring them, and website administrators can block them or report them to authorities. Trolls evolved from those “trolling” for an answer, and can use sock puppets to appear to have more supporters. An internet troll is someone who posts […]

What’s a patent troll?

A patent troll acquires patents to sue or demand royalties from alleged infringers, without intending to manufacture or market the patented product. This practice is criticized for diverting resources from new product development and increasing licensing fees. Some companies proactively develop strategies to avoid trolls. A patent troll is a term assigned to a person […]

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