Hypothalamic tumor: what is it?

A hypothalamic tumor can be caused by mutated brain cells or cancer spreading from elsewhere in the body. Symptoms range from euphoria to blindness, and treatment plans are individualized. The hypothalamus controls vital functions, and a tumor is life-threatening. Diagnosis involves vision and blood tests, followed by an MRI or CT scan. Treatment options include […]

What’s the largest tumor size?

The largest tumor ever removed intact from a human body weighed 303 pounds and was removed in 1991 from a woman’s right ovary. The operation took over six hours, and the tumor was found to be benign. Other cases of large tumors have also been reported. According to Guinness World Records, the largest tumor ever […]

What’s an epithelial tumor?

Epithelial neoplasms are abnormal growths of skin cells that can be benign or malignant. They can occur due to genetic abnormalities or exposure to environmental factors. Benign neoplasms grow slowly and have well-defined edges, while malignant ones grow faster and invade surrounding tissue. Diagnosis may require imaging studies or surgical removal. Treatment for malignant neoplasms […]

What’s an inop. brain tumor?

Inoperable brain tumors cannot be safely removed with surgery, but alternative treatments are available. Determining whether or not to cure a tumor with surgery depends on various factors, and consulting with multiple surgeons can provide balanced advice. Tumors may be inoperable due to location, vascularity, size, or patient health concerns. An inoperable brain tumor is […]

What’s a solid tumor?

Solid tumors can be benign or malignant and are classified as sarcomas, carcinomas, or lymphomas. Diagnosis involves medical history, physical exam, and diagnostic tests. Treatment options include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Symptoms depend on the location and growth rate of the tumor. A solid tumor is an abnormal mass of tissue without a cyst […]

What’s a sarcoma tumor?

Sarcoma tumors are malignant growths that can develop in connective tissue, including muscle, bone, fat, and cartilage. They can metastasize and be fatal, so early diagnosis is crucial. Treatment includes excision and drug therapy. Biopsies are used to confirm the diagnosis and identify the type of connective tissue involved. A sarcoma tumor is a malignant […]

What’s a metastatic tumor?

Metastasis is a malignant tumor that has migrated from a primary site to a secondary site. It can be difficult to diagnose the primary site, but examining the cells of the metastatic cancer can provide clues. Metastatic cancer cells develop their own blood networks to collect nourishment and can invade nearby blood vessels to migrate […]

What’s a urothelial tumor?

Urothelial neoplasia, or transitional carcinoma, is a type of cancer that affects the urinary system. Symptoms include abdominal pain and blood in the urine. Treatment involves surgery, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy, and risk factors include cigarette smoking and overuse of painkillers. Urothelial neoplasia, or transitional carcinoma (TCC), is a type of cancer that begins in transitional […]

Warthin’s tumor: what is it?

Warthin’s tumor is a benign growth in the salivary glands, often linked to smoking and age. Symptoms include swelling, pain, and hearing problems. Diagnosis involves physical exams and imaging tests. Treatment may involve surgical removal. Warthin’s tumor is a growth that forms in a person’s salivary glands. This type of tumor is benign, which means […]

What’s a follicular tumor?

Follicular neoplasms can be benign or malignant tumors in the thyroid gland, causing symptoms such as a visible lump, hoarse voice, or difficulty swallowing. Diagnosis is made through biopsy and surgery may be necessary to determine malignancy. Treatment may include surgery, replacement of thyroid hormones, and radioactive iodine. The outlook is often good, with a […]

Brainstem tumor: what is it?

Brain stem tumors are difficult to treat and can cause serious medical problems. Symptoms include facial muscle control problems and weakened muscles. Diagnosis is done with medical imaging studies, and treatment options include radiation therapy and physical therapy. A brain stem tumor is a tumor found in the brain stem, which is the part of […]

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