Fast twitch muscle fibers?

Muscles are divided into two categories: fast twitch and slow twitch. Fast twitch fibers, or type II muscle, generate energy 10 times faster than slow twitch fibers, but tire quickly due to anaerobic metabolism. Lactic acid is a reserve fuel, but can cause fatigue. More muscular athletes have a greater distribution of fast-twitch muscle fibers, […]

Slow twitch muscle fibers?

Slow twitch muscle fibers provide endurance for activities like running and cycling, while fast twitch fibers produce more power but fatigue quickly. Slow twitch fibers use oxygen more efficiently to generate energy, making them better suited for aerobic exercise. Strength training can target different types of fibers, with more reps and lower weights engaging slow […]

What’s an eyelid twitch?

Eyelid twitches are caused by involuntary muscle contractions and can be triggered by stress, fatigue, caffeine, and eye strain. There are three types of eyelid spasms: harmless eye twitching, essential blepharospasm, and hemifacial spasm. Treatment options include rest, medication, biofeedback, surgery, and Botox injections. Eyelid twitches are twitching of the upper or lower eyelid that […]

Thumb Twitch: What’s the Cause?

Thumb twitching can be caused by overuse, nutritional deficiencies, carpal tunnel syndrome, neurological disorders, prescription drugs, anxiety, or tension. Repetitive motion injuries and carpal tunnel syndrome can be relieved by ceasing offensive actions. Chronic twitching with a loss of muscle coordination may indicate serious neurological disorders. Muscle twitching is the presence of uncontrollable muscle contractions […]

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