What’s special about Ultra ATA?

Ultra ATA is a mass storage technology that doubled the transfer limit of EIDE to 33 MBps in 1997. It combines legacy ATA technology with ATPAI and added different modes, high-speed IDE cable, and advanced commands. Ultra ATA also implemented a sophisticated error detection algorithm called CRC. The standard supports mode 0 at 16.7 MBps, […]

What’s Ultra High Vacuum?

Ultra-high vacuum has pressures below 10-7 pascals and is used for surface analytical techniques and particle accelerators. Achieving it requires special measures such as minimizing surface area, using high-speed pumps, and eliminating trapped gas. It can be expensive and difficult, but some environments are even better vacuum. Ultra-high vacuum refers to pressures below 10-7 pascals […]

What are Ultra Vires acts?

Ultra vires activities are actions taken by a company outside of its defined purpose and can lead to shareholder lawsuits or legal trouble from third parties. These actions threaten the integrity of investments and may lead to lawsuits to cease unauthorized activities. Ultra vires activities are any type of business activity or action undertaken by […]

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