US’s oddest college trend?

Harvard student Lothrop Withington Jr. ate a live goldfish in 1939, starting a trend of goldfish swallowing contests across the US. The fad was eventually banned by universities and municipalities. After bragging that he once ate a live fish, fellow Harvard students called Lothrop Withington Jr.’s bluff and bet him $10 USD that he couldn’t […]

What’s the USS Arizona Memorial?

The USS Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor is a military cemetery and memorial site for the sailors who died in the attack on Pearl Harbor. The USS Arizona, one of the deadliest sites in the attack, remains underwater with over 1,100 sailors buried there. Visitors can explore the memorial, which has a large marble wall […]

USS Missouri Memorial: What is it?

The USS Missouri Memorial is a museum commemorating the ship’s role in World War II and the location where Japan surrendered. It is part of a larger monument to celebrate the attack on Pearl Harbor, which includes other memorials such as the USS Arizona Memorial. Admission to the USS Missouri Memorial costs $20 for adults […]

What’s the USS Constitution?

The USS Constitution, or “Old Ironsides,” is a durable ship commissioned by President George Washington in 1797. It was built to protect American commerce and sailors from attacks in the Mediterranean and was designed to be strong and fast. During the War of 1812, it defeated several British warships. The ship was believed to have […]

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