Causes of enlarged uterus?

An enlarged uterus can be caused by pregnancy, uterine fibroids, adenomyosis, or uterine cancer. Diagnosis is done through gynecological examination and ultrasound, and treatment varies depending on the cause. Uterine enlargement can occur among women of various ages. Common causes of an enlarged uterus could be physiological, gynecological, or malignant. The most common physiological cause […]

What affects uterus size?

The size of the uterus can be affected by factors such as the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, age, fibroids, and endometriosis. The uterus expands during ovulation and pregnancy, but shrinks in post-menopausal women. Fibroids and endometriosis can also enlarge the uterus. There are a few different factors that affect the size of the uterus, whether it’s […]

Retro uterus?

A retrograde uterus tilts towards the rectum instead of between the bladder and rectum. It can cause discomfort during intercourse and menstruation, but can be corrected with surgery, a pessary, or exercises. Causes include abnormal development, adhesions, endometriosis, fibroids, or pregnancy. Infertility is rarely linked to a retrograde uterus. If a woman has a retrograde […]

What’s a bicornuate uterus?

A bicornuate uterus is when the uterus is divided into two chambers, causing a heart-shaped appearance. It can make pregnancy difficult and increase the risk of miscarriage and premature birth. It is often detected during pregnancy and can cause symptoms such as abdominal pain and heavy periods. A bicornuate uterus is when the uterus is […]

Uterus changes in pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the uterus grows to accommodate the fetus, causing cramps and occasional ruptures or bleeding. The uterus returns to its normal size after delivery through contractions and involution. Many changes happen to the uterus during pregnancy. Grows much larger to accommodate the growing fetus; can cause menstrual cramps; and, on very rare occasions, the […]

Tipped uterus: what is it?

A tilted uterus, also known as a retroverted uterus, can cause pain during menstruation or intercourse, mild incontinence, UTIs, tampon use problems, and fertility issues. Treatment options include surgery, exercises, and using a pessary. In rare cases, it can cause difficulty conceiving or complications during pregnancy. A tilted uterus, also known as a tilted uterus […]

What are uterus contractions?

Uterine contractions occur during childbirth, menstruation, and female orgasms. They release oxytocin, aid in breastfeeding, and help the cervix dilate during delivery. Contractions can be painful and may be relieved through natural means or medication. During childbirth, a woman may experience movements in the uterus known as uterine contractions. These powerful and painful movements are […]

Signs of myomatous uterus?

A myomatous uterus, which is a benign mass of tissue, may cause symptoms such as abnormal menstrual bleeding, abdominal pressure or pain, swelling, and infertility. Symptoms vary depending on the size and location of the mass, and it’s important to consult a doctor for evaluation. A myomatous uterus, in which there is a benign mass […]

What’s a double uterus?

Double uterus, or didelphic uterus, is a rare condition where a woman has two uteri. Symptoms include infertility, pain during intercourse, and abnormal menstrual bleeding. Treatment options include reconstructive surgery and elective C-sections during pregnancy. Diagnosis is made through imaging studies. A double uterus, also known as a didelphic uterus, is a rare condition in […]

Symptoms of swollen uterus?

A swollen uterus can have various symptoms depending on the cause, including abdominal swelling, irregular bleeding, and pelvic pain. Uterine fibroids, endometrial cancer, ovarian cysts, and adenomyosis are common causes. Treatment options vary depending on the cause. There are many symptoms of a swollen uterus. The type of symptoms a woman experiences will depend on […]

Anteverted uterus: what is it?

An anteverted uterus is when the uterus leans forward slightly in a woman’s pelvis, which is a common condition that doesn’t usually cause any problems. The tilt can occur due to anatomy, body type, pregnancy, and childbirth, but it doesn’t impact fertility, gestation, or overall sexual health. An anteverted uterus is basically a uterus that […]

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