Valid passport?

A valid passport is required for international travel and must be within its expiration date, with correct information and blank pages. It includes personal information and a photo. Passport renewal requires a lower fee and personal identification. Some countries and airlines require a passport to be valid for six months after departure. Damaged passports must […]

Online contracts valid?

Online contracts are legally binding if they contain the necessary elements, including an offer, valuable consideration, and mutual consent. Clickwrap agreements and user terms are also enforceable. It is important to read all terms carefully and print a copy for future reference. As long as they contain the elements that form a legal agreement, online […]

What are sound and valid arguments in Logic?

Deductive arguments contain related statements that prove a conclusion, but can be attacked by questioning the premises or structure. There are four possibilities: invalid and unfounded, invalid, valid but invalid, and sound. The conclusion can be true even in invalid arguments. Arguments are judged on validity and soundness, not truth. There are different types of […]

Valid search?

Research goods have a clear value that can be assessed before purchase, making them easier to compare and negotiate prices. Retailers can use branding and bait-and-switch tactics to promote these products. In contrast, experience goods have less obvious value before purchase. Consumers can use online ratings to inform their decisions. Price competition and product substitution […]

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