What’s Venison Sausage?

Venison sausages are made from excess meat pieces that are ground together with spices and herbs, then stuffed into casings or pressed into patties. They can be smoked, cooked, or frozen and are often mixed with other meats or ingredients. Modern butchers use pre-processed pork casings or synthetic casings instead of animal intestines. The texture […]

Best tips for roasting venison?

Venison can be roasted fast or slow, but slow roasting is preferable for meat on the bone. Venison is lean, so adding fat to the meat before slow roasting can prevent it from drying out. Quick roasting requires browning the meat before cooking and not overcooking it. Letting the meat rest before serving can provide […]

What’s Venison Summer Sausage?

Venison summer sausage is a semi-perishable processed meat made from deer species, popular in North America. It is cured and not completely dried, and often less regulated than other meats. It is commonly made by individual hunters and can be preserved using smoking, drying, and various herbs and spices. Venison summer sausage is a semi-perishable […]

Best tips for venison prep?

Marinating venison with oil, food acid, and spices improves taste and tenderness. Venison is leaner than beef, so the marinade should contain oil to keep it moist. The marinade compensates for the shorter curing time of venison and should be in a plastic or glass container. The taste and tenderness of venison depend on the […]

Best venison sauce: how to choose?

Choosing the right venison sauce depends on personal taste, cuisine, and occasion. Venison’s unique flavor can be enhanced with spiced sauces, gravies, or simple ingredients like garlic and bell peppers. Any sauce used for meat dishes can be used for venison. Choosing the best venison sauce involves consideration of personal taste, cuisine, and the occasion […]

Cooking venison?

Cooking venison depends on the cut, with tender cuts requiring higher temperatures and shorter cooking times. Tougher cuts need to be cooked longer at lower temperatures. Popular techniques include broiling, dry roasting, and braising. Slow grilling and roasting can also be effective. The correct way to cook venison largely depends on the cut of the […]

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