Aloe vera tablets are a dietary supplement made from concentrated aloe pulp that can stimulate the immune system and potentially help fight diseases such as AIDS and cancer. However, drinking aloe juice is a better way to get the full benefits of aloe. Aloe vera tablets refer to a type of dietary supplement made from […]
Polycythemia rubra vera is an increase in red blood cell volume, which can be caused by genetic conditions, chronic low oxygen levels, cancers, and tumors. Symptoms include fatigue, headaches, breathing difficulties, and chest pains. Treatment may include therapeutic phlebotomy or fluid replacement. Regular monitoring is necessary for some patients. Polycythemia rubra vera is an increase […]
Aloe vera is a natural supplement used for skin infections and burns. It comes in various forms, including gel, pill, juice, and unprocessed plant. It is widely available in North America but harder to find in Africa, India, and Asia. Raw aloe vera can be applied directly to the skin or taken orally to treat […]