What’s a Vertical Turret Lathe?

The vertical turret lathe positions the workpiece at a 90-degree angle to the floor, allowing for precision cutting without operator interaction. It can be controlled using computer programs and improves the quality and speed of mass-produced parts. The operator’s primary function is to ensure proper operation and material supply. The vertical turret lathe is a […]

What’s a Vertical Reamer?

Vertical rolling mills punch holes in metal. Boring machines are used for accurate drilling and honing engine cylinders. CNC milling machines are required for high-quality products. Vertical boring machines can also drill holes in a sequence, re-machine bearings, and repair engine parts. A vertical rolling mill is a machine used to punch holes in metal, […]

What’s a vertical speed indicator?

The vertical speed indicator (VSI) is a static instrument that shows the rate of climb or descent of an aircraft. It relies on pressure differentials and exhibits a small response delay. VSI readings are given in units of feet per minute and have a delay of 6-9 seconds before showing accurate readings. A vertical speed […]

What’s vertical integration?

Vertical integration allows two companies to create a value chain that benefits both parties by sharing costs and risks. It can be advantageous in guaranteeing raw materials and in the distribution process, resulting in higher profitability for both the supplier and customer. A vertical integration is the coming together of two companies to create a […]

What’s a Vertical Roller Mill?

Vertical rolling mills crush or grind materials using hydraulic and pneumatic forces. They are used in concrete, mining, and gypsum processing, and can process both raw and recycled materials. They are more efficient than traditional roller mills, but require frequent maintenance and are more expensive. A vertical rolling mill is a type of industrial equipment […]

Best vertical market software: how to choose?

Vertical market software is specialized for specific audiences and industries, with unique features and compatibility requirements. It is contrasted by horizontal market software, which is made for general users. Virtual machine software can be used to run vertical software on different operating systems. Vertical market software is a type of program created to cater to […]

What’s a Vertical Baler?

Vertical balers are machines used in the recycling industry to compact materials such as cardboard, paper, plastic, and metal cans into bales for easy handling and disposal. They use a vertically oriented ram and can be tied manually or automatically. Vertical balers are smaller and less expensive than horizontal balers and are commonly used by […]

What’s a vertical market?

Vertical markets are niche markets made up of suppliers and customers with specific needs within the same industry, while horizontal markets have broader appeal. Telecommunications is an example of a vertical market, while long distance services and word processing software are examples of horizontal markets. Vertical markets are a form of niche marketing. Essentially, this […]

What’s Vertical CNC Machining?

Vertical CNC machining is a computer-controlled process that uses vertically oriented power tools to perform operations such as milling and drilling. CNC machines are guided by CAD programs and require minimal operator intervention, producing high levels of accuracy. The process is suitable for a variety of operations and offers benefits such as consistency and minimal […]

What’s a Vertical Lathe?

A lathe shapes raw materials using movable cutting tools. Vertical lathes are used for heavy and bulky materials, and have the same basic parts as horizontal lathes. They can be computer-controlled and used for precision parts. They save space and are preferred by some hobbyists. A lathe is used to shape a rotating piece of […]

What’s a Vertical Windmill?

Vertical axis windmills have a rotor shaft positioned vertically, making them effective in areas with changing wind direction. They are easy to maintain and can be installed on building roofs or windswept earth structures. DIY tutorials and books are available for building them. They are becoming increasingly popular and new designs are emerging. Some scientists […]

What’s a vertical merger?

Vertical mergers involve the union of a customer with a supplier, combining assets to capture a sector of the market. They are voluntary and aim to build on the strengths of both companies for future growth, often involving careful planning and communication with customers. Vertical mergers are mergers of companies that involve the union of […]

What’s a Vertical Bandsaw?

A vertical bandsaw is a stationary device that uses a rotating metal band with teeth to cut various materials, powered by electric motors. It is preferred over circular saws for ripping lumber due to its ability to cut larger diameters and waste less lumber. Some versions have feed functions, and cutting curves is easier. Automated […]

What are vertical columns?

Upright rows target the deltoid and trapezius muscles of the shoulders and upper back. The exercise is performed standing up with a barbell, dumbbells, an EZ curl bar, or cable machines. Safety precautions are necessary to avoid shoulder impingement or exacerbation of pre-existing conditions. Upright rows are strength-training exercises that primarily target the deltoid and […]

What’s a vertical app?

Vertical applications are software designed for specific industries, such as insurance, medicine, and hospitality. They provide specialized functions and business logic. Horizontal applications support multiple business units and can be used across industries. A vertical market is a niche business unit within a specific industry. Video teleconferencing is an example of a vertical market software […]

What’s a Vertical Wind Turbine?

Vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs) have a main rotor shaft that runs vertically, unlike the more common horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWTs). VAWTs have advantages such as easier maintenance and increased reliability, but are less efficient and not commonly used for commercial purposes. Ongoing research aims to improve VAWT power output and reduce noise. The […]

What’s a vertical org structure?

A vertical organizational structure is a rigid hierarchy with levels of officials, providing tight control and consistency but limiting creativity and decision-making. It can be difficult to change once in place, and may trap a business in outdated practices. Horizontal structures can be more flexible but may lead to inconsistencies. A vertical organizational structure is […]

Pros & cons of vertical marketing system?

A vertical marketing system is when a company owns the manufacturing, wholesale, and retail parts of selling a product. It has advantages, such as complete control over the process, but can also be overwhelming and inefficient. An example is an auto parts company that distributes parts from the manufacturing plant to retail stores. A vertical […]

What’s a vertical merger?

Vertical mergers combine a customer and supplier to capture a market sector. Both companies agree to strengthen their position and expand into new areas. Careful planning is required, and customers must be informed of changes and benefits. Vertical mergers are business mergers involving the merging of a customer with a supplier. In general, the two […]

What’s vertical nystagmus?

Vertical nystagmus is an involuntary eye movement that can cause impaired vision and dizziness. It can be congenital or acquired, with the latter being more severe and caused by diseases, nervous system disorders, or exposure to toxins. Some treatments, such as drugs and surgery, show promise in managing the condition. Vertical nystagmus is a type […]

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