What’s Viral Replication?

Viral replication is the process by which a virus reproduces within a living organism, turning infected cells into virus factories that make copies of the virus’s genetic code and excrete them to spread in the host body. Different types of viruses have different ways of entering the cell body or fusing with the cell wall, […]

What’s Viral Marketing?

Viral marketing relies on individuals to spread a message through existing communication networks. It is cost-effective and can reach more people than traditional advertising. Different types include pass-through messages, incentivized posts, undercover viral advertising, and gossip or buzz marketing. Effective campaigns avoid backlash and ensure a high pass rate. Viral marketing or advertising is a […]

What’s Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome?

Post-viral fatigue syndrome, also known as chronic fatigue syndrome, is a condition that causes long-term tiredness, muscle and joint pain, headaches, and trouble concentrating. It is more common in women and its causes are still unknown. There is no proven treatment, but doctors may treat symptoms and encourage exercise or cognitive therapy. Some medications can […]

Chronic viral infection: what is it?

Viral infections can be acute or chronic, with chronic infections lasting longer and developing gradually. Some chronic infections, like hepatitis C and HIV, can be fatal, while others may cause only minor symptoms. Herpes simplex type 2 causes genital herpes, which has no cure. Viral infections usually fall into one of two categories: acute or […]

What’s Viral Cardiomyopathy?

Viral cardiomyopathy is a heart condition caused by a viral infection that weakens the heart and causes problems such as shortness of breath, dizziness, and fatigue. Treatment options include medication, lifestyle changes, and alternative therapies. People with a history of viral infections should inform their doctors during routine health screening. Viral cardiomyopathy is a heart […]

What’s Viral Myositis?

Viral myositis is a rare condition where viral infections cause skeletal muscles to become inflamed, weak, and painful. It can affect different muscle groups and may lead to life-threatening complications. Treatment involves antiviral medications, fluids, steroids, and bed rest. Diagnosis is done through physical exams, blood tests, and imaging tests. HIV is the most common […]

What’s Viral Myositis?

Viral myositis causes inflammation, weakness, and pain in skeletal muscles, often due to a viral infection. Symptoms can be widespread or isolated, and severe cases can lead to life-threatening complications. Diagnosis involves physical exams and blood tests, and treatment includes antiviral medications, fluids, and rest. HIV is the most common cause. Viral myositis is a […]

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