Volcanic eruptions visible from space?

ESA astronaut Thomas Pesquet captured an image of lava flowing from Mount Etna while aboard the International Space Station in March 2017. The volcano experienced powerful eruptions that year, resulting in lava visible from space for the first time. The International Space Station is primarily used for research and its imaging system has helped with […]

What’s the visible spectrum?

The visible light spectrum ranges from 700 to 400 nanometers, with infrared at the lower end and ultraviolet at the higher end. Each color represents a different wavelength, with white light being a combination of all. Reflection of certain wavelengths creates colors, while black is the absence of visible light. Infrared and ultraviolet light can’t […]

China’s Air Pollution Visible from Space?

China’s air pollution, caused by the use of coal, affects at least 30 cities and can be seen from space. Particulate matter in the air is measured at over 14 times the safe level, causing negative health effects for over 100 million people worldwide. China’s air pollution can sometimes be seen from space, as seen […]

What’s visible light?

The visible spectrum is light perceived by the human eye, usually defined as wavelengths between 400-700nm. Some people can see as low as 380nm and as high as 780nm. Humans can perceive X-rays through second-order interactions. The spectrum closely matches short-wavelength light that penetrates the Earth’s atmosphere. Isaac Newton demonstrated the existence of the spectrum, […]

What’s visible language?

Visible language encompasses typography, graphic design, and any visual medium that communicates an idea. It includes elements such as text size, typeface, color, and placement. Concrete poetry and sign language are examples of visible language. It has its own “grammar” that regulates construction and interpretation. Visible language refers to how writing systems communicate, such as […]

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