When did US presidents begin foreign visits?

US presidents rarely traveled internationally until Theodore Roosevelt visited Panama in 1906. The tradition of presidents staying in the US was so strong that Congress tried to pass a law transferring power to the vice president when Woodrow Wilson went to Europe in 1919. President Donald Trump recently toured Asia, with an itinerary that included […]

Do sports impact ER visits?

During the 2010 Olympic gold medal hockey game, emergency room visits in Ontario, Canada decreased by 17%, suggesting that up to one in six visits may be unnecessary. The study also found a decrease in visits for abdominal pain, trauma, and musculoskeletal problems, but an increase in cardiac emergencies. Similar reductions were seen during the […]

How often for gynecologist visits?

Women should visit their gynecologist once a year, unless further visits are necessary. The first visit should occur when a woman becomes sexually active, or at 21 years old if no sexual activity has occurred. Annual exams with Pap smears every three years are recommended for sexually active women, with exceptions for those over 30 […]

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