What’s the waiver?

Waiver is the partial repeal of a law, which can create legal complications. Derogation can occur through enacting conflicting laws, liberalizing, emergency situations, delays in enacting laws, and treaty negotiations. Waiver is the partial repeal of a law, rather than full repeal, where the entire law is revoked. There are a number of situations where […]

Surrogacy Waiver: What is it?

Subrogation is the right of a creditor to allow someone else to collect a debt. A subrogation waiver is a clause in a contract where a person waives the right to sue for damages. It is commonly found in automobile insurance policies, real estate leases, construction contracts, and private worker’s compensation policies. The waiver transfers […]

What’s a Personal Injury Waiver?

A personal injury waiver is a document that waives the right to sue for injuries or property damage. Companies use them to protect themselves from lawsuits, and they are commonly used by schools, travel companies, and adventure activity companies. Signing a waiver means assuming responsibility for any injuries sustained, but legal cases may still arise […]

Jury waiver: what is it?

A jury waiver is a circumstance that prevents a prospective juror from serving on a jury, such as health, personal hardship, job position, or age. Many jurisdictions have specific guidelines for exemptions, and some countries have legislation providing uniformity. Sometimes referred to as a jury excuse or jury waiver, a jury waiver is any circumstance […]

What’s a contractor waiver?

A contractor waiver is a legal form that waives a financial interest in a construction project in exchange for full payment. Contractors have the right to place a lien on the property until paid. A single contractor waiver does not necessarily mean a property is safe from lawsuits. Subcontractors can also enter into liens. The […]

What’s a Loss Damage Waiver?

Car rental companies offer a loss damage waiver to relieve renters of liability for theft or damage to the vehicle. Renters should carefully consider coverage options and check with their insurance company before accepting or declining the waiver. Liability insurance may not cover rental vehicles, especially in foreign countries. A loss damage waiver, also called […]

What’s a Visa Waiver Program?

The Visa Waiver Program allows citizens of select countries to visit the United States for up to 90 days without a visa. The US government evaluates countries based on security and law enforcement standards to determine eligibility. Visitors must still meet certain requirements, such as having a valid passport and proof of travel and financial […]

How to write a waiver letter?

A waiver letter should include identifying information, an explanation of the legal obligation and reason for exemption, and a clear statement claiming the exemption. It should be directed to the appropriate person or agency and include a reference to a legal source if possible. There are a number of situations in which a person may […]

What’s a notice waiver?

A waiver of notice is a legal document that waives the right to formal notice. It does not affect other rights and can be used in various settings, such as will verification or emergency board meetings. Careful examination of the document is advised before signing, and boilerplate forms should be checked for regional appropriateness. A […]

What’s a hardship waiver?

A hardship waiver is an exception to a rule granted due to extenuating circumstances such as medical, financial, or psychological issues. It is often used in immigration situations where a person seeks an exception to return to their home country before applying for permanent residence. The waiver must harm a permanent resident or citizen of […]

What’s a Workers Comp Waiver?

A workers’ compensation waiver allows workers to waive their rights to compensation benefits and must be submitted to the relevant authority. Most US states require employers to provide workers’ compensation insurance, but individuals can waive their rights under certain circumstances. Self-employed individuals and corporate entities that own more than 25% of the common stock may […]

What’s a dependency waiver?

A dependency exemption is a tax deduction for people with qualifying dependents, including minor children and other household members dependent on the taxpayer. Claiming it allows for a fixed deduction from taxable income and potential tax savings, but the laws can be complicated. Separated parents cannot claim the same dependent, and adopted/foster children have special […]

What’s a premium waiver?

Premium waiver is a rider that can be added to an insurance policy, allowing the policy to continue even if the policyholder loses income. It may be included in life insurance and disability insurance policies, but restrictions may apply. It is important to understand the terms and conditions associated with the rider and shop around […]

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