What’s a wart?

Warts are non-cancerous tumors caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) that can be transmitted through direct or indirect contact. There are different types of warts, including common, flat, plantar, and genital warts. Most warts will disappear on their own, but they can also be removed by a doctor using cryosurgery, electrosurgery, laser treatments, or keratolysis. […]

Concerning wart?

A worry wart is someone who is excessively nervous and may have irrational fears about minor or global concerns. They may seek advice from others and take extreme measures to protect themselves or their loved ones. The origins of the phrase are unclear, but it has been used to describe neurotic individuals for decades. Others […]

What’s a common wart?

Common warts are small growths on the skin that usually appear on hands and fingers. They can be diagnosed by comparing their appearance to photos of warts. They can be spread through skin breaks or contact with an infected person. Salicylic acid and duct tape are effective treatments, but severe cases may require medical treatment. […]

Wart or mole: what’s the difference?

Warts and moles are different skin abnormalities caused by different things. Warts are caused by a viral infection and can be removed at home, while moles are genetic and often require medical or cosmetic procedures for removal. Warts are usually white and bumpy, while moles are darker and can be raised with hair growing from […]

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