Nuclear weapon delivery methods?

Nuclear weapons are highly destructive and give a decisive advantage to those who possess them. The primary delivery options are missiles, submarines, high altitude bombers, and theater-specific deployment methods. Submarines are the deadliest option, while bombers and missiles offer the advantage of avoiding first strike attacks. Tactical nukes, such as conventional cruise missiles and mortars, […]

Nuclear weapon generations?

Nuclear weapons are categorized into four stages: cannon-type fission bombs, implosive-type fission bombs, fusion bombs, and MIRV delivered nuclear weapons. The first nuclear weapon was developed in the US in 1939-1945, and the gun construction was used to hurl uranium units at each other. Implosion nuclear weapons improve the efficiency of cannon weapons by surrounding […]

What’s nuclear weapon proliferation?

The proliferation of nuclear weapons and materials is a concern for many nations, leading to the drafting of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. The development of nuclear weapons began in the 1930s and accelerated during the 1950s and 1960s. Several countries possess nuclear weapons, including non-signatories to the NPT. The concern is that nuclear weapons could […]

What’s an EM weapon?

Electromagnetic weapons use energy to disrupt equipment or cause pain, but are not intended to kill. The Active Denial System (ADS) is the most developed and uses millimeter waves to heat the skin. Other weapons under development include the Pulsed Energy Projectile (PEP) and the Advanced Tactical Laser (ATL). Concerns exist about the long-term effects […]

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