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What’s an Adynaton?

[ad_1] Adynaton is a form of hyperbole that describes something impossible, often used in figures of speech such as “when pigs fly.” It has been used in literature since antiquity and in modern fantasy and superhero stories. Attempts to create literal adynatons have included flying a piglet and creating a lead balloon. Adynaton is a […]

What’s an exec admin’s role?

[ad_1] An executive director’s responsibilities vary depending on the industry, but generally involve managing human capital, developing programs to achieve company objectives, and ensuring financial statements are followed. They work with HR to identify and hire the right people, communicate company news, and may oversee outreach programs. An executive director’s responsibilities can be quite wide-ranging […]

What’s an accumulation period?

[ad_1] The accumulation period is the time during which an investor saves money for a long-term goal, such as retirement. It typically lasts for an individual’s working life and is associated with deferred annuities, which can be protected by insurers or riders. Investors can earn money through interest and dividends, but may also lose money […]

What’s Kabbalah?

[ad_1] Kabbalah is a mystical approach to Judaism believed to have originated between the 11th and 13th centuries. It is associated with the mystical understanding of the Torah and has influenced the orthodox expression of the faith. Kabbalah claims to unlock deeper meanings within sacred writings and has persisted in various strains throughout history. Its […]

What’s WIP in finance?

[ad_1] Work in progress refers to unfinished items or projects, including capital investments, and is recorded as an asset on a company’s balance sheet. It is commonly found in manufacturing and large-scale production industries, and can indicate operational problems or future revenue. Accounting rules limit the amount of revenue that can be recognized for unfinished […]

What’s the learning effect?

[ad_1] Attending college can increase productivity and wages, with higher levels of academic achievement leading to more money earned over a lifetime. The learning effect suggests that college graduates acquire useful skills and productivity habits, while the screening effect suggests that employers find graduates more attractive candidates. A mix of both effects likely comes into […]

What’s an inferiority complex?

[ad_1] An inferiority complex is an unconscious feeling of inadequacy that can cause psychological distress. It can be treated through psychotherapy, and is often caused by childhood events such as harassment or discrimination. Overcompensation is common, with some becoming shy and others becoming aggressive. Identifying the complex can be difficult, but psychotherapy can help. An […]

What’s contract management?

[ad_1] Contract management involves negotiating and ensuring compliance with supplier contracts. Effective practices result in lower costs, efficient services, and a stronger bargaining position. It includes limits, discounts, and performance clauses, and requires daily tracking, performance management, and follow-up with vendors to claim benefits. The term contract management is typically used in purchasing or purchasing […]

What’s a macro risk?

[ad_1] Macro risk is a type of political risk that companies face when operating in foreign countries, including currency fluctuations and instability in the political system. Political risk insurance can help protect against financial loss. Macro risk is a type of political risk that companies face when conducting operations in foreign countries. The increasing use […]

What’s Aesop’s Fables?

[ad_1] Aesop’s Fables are short stories with simple sayings, originating in Ancient Greece. They feature anthropomorphized animals and cautionary tales with morals aimed at children. Many versions exist, and they have influenced popular culture. Aesop may have been a real person or a collective of people passing down popular wisdom. The fables are often lavishly […]

What’s a retrosexual?

[ad_1] The term “retrosexual” was coined in 2003 to describe classically masculine men who prioritize utility over style. They are often associated with rugged clothing and pursuits like hunting and fixing things. Retrosexuals are contrasted with “metrosexuals,” who prioritize personal appearance and cosmetics. Retrosexuality is more about attitude than style and is not necessarily associated […]

Lang & perception: what’s the link?

[ad_1] Language and perception are closely connected, with words shaping perception and perception contributing to language. Sensory experience is filtered through both the senses and the mind, with language playing a role in analysis and dividing continuous experience into knowable bytes. New vocabulary or grammatical changes are required when current language is inadequate to describe […]

What’s a horiz. market?

[ad_1] A horizontal market supplies many industries, providing advantages such as flexibility and the ability to withstand changes. Examples include computer software and plastic pellets, with more competition and constant demand. Horizontal markets benefit industries by providing access to a variety of vendors and competitive prices. A horizontal market is a market that supplies many […]

What’s folk etymology?

[ad_1] Folk etymology is when phrases are reinterpreted based on similar-sounding words in a language. It only applies if the word changes from its original form. Examples include penthouse and primrose. Even non-borrowed words may be subject to folk etymology if the original derivation becomes obsolete. Folk etymology is a linguistic phenomenon whereby borrowed or […]

What’s a consensus estimate?

[ad_1] A consensus estimate is an average of multiple analysts’ estimates of a company’s future worth, based on factors such as stock price and financial projections. It is used to evaluate a company’s performance and potentially increase stock prices, but is often inaccurate due to unpredictable future events. A Consensus Estimate is an estimate of […]

What’s nominal GDP?

[ad_1] Nominal GDP measures total output in a country using the current currency, while real GDP adjusts for inflation. Nominal GDP can be calculated using the production, expenditure, or income method. Real GDP is useful for comparing economic output over time, and GDP per capita can indicate average productivity changes per worker. A nominal gross […]

What’s reinvestment risk?

[ad_1] Reinvestment risk occurs when invested funds generate income that, once reinvested, will be subject to a lower rate of return. This risk is common in fixed income investments with set maturity dates, such as CDs and bonds, and can be caused by fluctuating interest rates or early loan repayments. When a person invests, there […]