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What’s e-commerce for consumers?

[ad_1] Consumer-to-consumer e-commerce involves individual consumers buying and selling goods online, often through auction sites. Third-party services can help ensure safe transactions. This is one of four types of e-commerce, including business-to-business, business-to-consumer, and consumer-to-business. Other forms of consumer-to-consumer e-commerce include online classifieds and forums. Consumer to consumer electronic commerce is the practice of individual […]

What’s parataxis?

[ad_1] Parataxis is the use of simple declarative sentences or independent clauses placed side by side, creating a powerful effect. It can focus on a particular idea, emotion, or setting and is useful for describing an environment or a rapid succession of thoughts. It is the opposite of hypotaxis, which uses complex sentences to relate […]

What’s lib theology?

[ad_1] Liberation theology is a Christian movement that aims to free people from social, economic, political, and materialistic oppression. It was coined by Peruvian theologian Gustavo Gutierrez in the late 1960s and is based on the belief that God protects and speaks for the poor. The movement faced criticism for being influenced by Marxism and […]

What’s pseudoexfoliative glaucoma?

[ad_1] Pseudoexfoliation glaucoma is caused by protein buildup in the eye, leading to clogged drainage and increased intraocular pressure. Risk factors include age, exposure to UV light, and living at high altitudes. Treatment options include medication, laser therapy, and surgery. Yearly eye exams are recommended for those with pseudoexfoliation syndrome. Pseudoexfoliation glaucoma is an eye […]

What’s a mortgage fund?

[ad_1] Mortgage pools are groups of mortgages used as collateral for mortgage-backed securities. Investors can buy into the pool and receive a return based on the income generated from mortgage payments. Mortgage pools can vary in interest rates, maturity dates, and property types, and regulations vary by country. Mortgage pools are groups of mortgages that […]

What’s the theory of multiple intelligences?

[ad_1] The theory of multiple intelligences proposes that humans have different types of intelligence, which contradicts the traditional view of intelligence as a single entity. Howard Gardner originally proposed seven types, later adding an eighth. The theory has been implemented in various ways in schools, but critics argue it lacks scientific validity. The theory of […]

What’s an accident error?

[ad_1] An accidental error occurs when a rule that includes exceptions is applied as a universal generalization. This fallacy can be attacked by pointing out the rule’s faulty application and ignoring established exceptions. Accidental mistakes occur when someone does not fully understand exceptions within a rule. They can be refuted by pointing out known exceptions. […]

Acute vs. chronic diseases: what’s the difference?

[ad_1] Acute illnesses last a short time but can be mild or severe, while chronic diseases persist for three months or more and require medical attention. Subacute diseases fall between acute and chronic illnesses. Examples include colds, flu, cancer, heart disease, kidney disease, and diabetes. Many people confuse the difference between an acute illness and […]

What’s qual. psych.?

[ad_1] Qualitative psychology emphasizes individual experiences and uses subjective methods like observation and interviews. It aims to construct hypotheses through deep analysis rather than numerical evidence. Psychoanalytic theories rely heavily on talk therapy and subjective ideas. Qualitative psychology is not a particular, focused branch of psychology, but rather a way of approaching psychological research and […]

Fire tech: what’s their job?

[ad_1] Fire protection technicians design and install fire safety equipment, provide public education and training, and may also be trained firefighters. They work for government organizations, fire stations, non-profits, or private companies and typically hold degrees or certificates from accredited fire science programs. A fire protection technician helps businesses and citizens better prepare for fire […]

What’s a psych contract?

[ad_1] A psychological contract describes the expectations between a company and its workers, and can also apply to other relationships. It starts in the interview process and can change over time due to business alterations, which can lead to dissatisfaction. A psychological contract is an economic and psychological concept which generally explains the relational dynamics […]

What’s Black Liberation Theology?

[ad_1] Black liberation theology applies Christian beliefs to address the subjugation of African Americans. Its founder, James Cone, was influenced by Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. Cone’s Black Theology and Black Power further articulated the reasons and methods for implementing the theology. The approach is similar to Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of […]

What’s a gross investment?

[ad_1] Gross investment is the total investment in an asset without considering depreciation, and is used to calculate ROI. If the initial investment is unknown, the current value and depreciation can be added. Tangible and intangible assets are included. ROI is measured against gross investment, not current value, to avoid skewed results. Calculating gross investment […]

What’s the Peace Dividend?

[ad_1] The peace dividend is a budgeting approach where military funding is reduced to increase funding for social services or reduce taxes. It promotes economic benefits and can protect national security by providing social services to citizens. The peace dividend is an approach to national budgeting in which funding for military purposes is reduced in […]