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What’s “against the grain” mean?

[ad_1] “Going against the grain” means going against social norms or something unpleasant. It can be used negatively to describe someone else or positively for oneself. Other idioms with similar meanings include “going against the tide” and “swimming against the tide.” The phrase comes from planing wood against the grain, which leads to a less […]

What’s “hands down” mean?

[ad_1] “Hands down” means to be much better than the competition, originating from horse racing where a jockey relaxed the reins to win easily. The expression has spread to general usage and refers to effortless superiority. Other horse racing expressions include “home stretch” and “down to the wire.” Being better “hands down” is an American […]

What’s NK T-cell lymphoma?

[ad_1] NK T-cell lymphoma is a rare and aggressive cancer that affects natural killer cells and/or T cells. It primarily affects people of Asian or Latino descent and is sometimes associated with the Epstein-Barr virus. Symptoms often present in the nasal or sinus cavity, but can appear in other areas. Treatment options are still being […]

What’s a broker house?

[ad_1] A brokerage house is a licensed company that buys and sells stocks or securities, employing brokers to fulfill clients’ trading wishes on a commission basis. They may charge additional fees for other services such as banking, market research, and investment strategies. A brokerage house, also called a brokerage firm, is a company licensed to […]

What’s a wire transfer?

[ad_1] Wire transfer is an electronic transfer of funds from one financial institution to another, allowing for international buying and selling. Wire transfer and cable transfer are used interchangeably, but wire transfer refers to domestic transactions and cable transfer to international ones. Internet technology has made wire transfers easier for consumers. Wire transfer is a […]

What’s latent learning?

[ad_1] Latent learning is the ability to learn without reward, where an organism learns from observation and can express that ability later. An experiment with mice showed that reinforcement isn’t always necessary for learning. This theory contrasts with stimulus-response association theory influenced by Pavlov’s classical conditioning. Latent learning is a theory in psychology that describes […]

What’s affixation?

[ad_1] Appositions clarify or explain by offering more information than just one word or phrase. They can be restrictive or non-restrictive. False headlines are a common form of affixing, and some appositive sentences break away from the simple common syntax. The word “affixation” has other meanings. An affixation is a noun or phrase used alongside […]

What’s atelectasis?

[ad_1] Atelectasis is a condition where a lung partially or completely collapses, limiting the oxygen supply to the body. It can be caused by surgery, trauma, mucus buildup, or congenital defects. Treatment focuses on ensuring oxygen supply before addressing the root cause. Atelectasis is a medical condition characterized by the partial or complete collapse of […]

What’s an accrued liability?

[ad_1] Accrued liability is a debt that has not yet been recorded in the accounts payable ledger. Liabilities refer to debts and obligations that a company has, and are subtracted from assets to determine the company’s value. Accrued liabilities can be recurring or non-recurring costs, and can remain on a balance sheet until they are […]

What’s Carbon Credit Trading?

[ad_1] Carbon credit trading allows companies to reduce their carbon output to comply with pollution laws. Companies buy or sell carbon credits, with one ton of carbon equaling one credit. Carbon trading can be mandatory or voluntary, with different limits and rules in each country. The goal is to help curb emissions growth and comply […]

What’s Buddhism?

[ad_1] Buddhism was founded by Siddhartha Gotama, who realized that non-attachment is the way to escape suffering. The Four Noble Truths and Noble Eightfold Path are the teachings that lead to Nirvana. There are two main types of Buddhism, Theravāda and Mahāyāna. Buddhism is nonreligious and compatible with other religions. The Dalai Lama is a […]

Cancer & jaundice: what’s the link?

[ad_1] Jaundice, a yellowish tinge to the skin and whites of the eye, is caused by an excess of bilirubin. Cancer can cause jaundice by disrupting the bilirubin excretion system or blocking the pathway used by the liver to shunt bilirubin to the intestines. Jaundice is a medical sign characterized by a yellowish tinge to […]

What’s expected monetary value?

[ad_1] Expected monetary value is a probability-based value that considers all possible monetary outcomes of a situation. It is calculated by multiplying the percentage of each possibility by the monetary gain or loss associated with that outcome. This tool is useful for decision-making and risk management assessments. The expected monetary value is a probability-based value […]

What’s Inlicensing?

[ad_1] Pharmaceutical companies often use licensing agreements to share the risk and costs of developing new drugs. Inlicensing partnerships allow companies to combine their expertise and share profits from the final product. These agreements can also be used for distribution in foreign countries. In the research and development of many products, especially pharmaceuticals, costs can […]

What’s the meaning of Hallelujah?

[ad_1] Hallelujah is a Hebrew phrase meaning “praise God” or “praise the Lord,” used in both Jewish and Christian worship. It is often used as an expression of joy and thanksgiving. The word is present in religious and secular songs, and related terms include amen, kyrie eleison, hosanna, maranatha, and abba. Other religions have similar […]

What’s the language science?

[ad_1] Speech science studies anatomy, neurology, and acoustics to improve speech for disabled speakers and understand how the brain processes speech. Speech therapists help those with nerve damage or genetic inheritance that affects speech. Audiology studies how the brain processes speech. Speech scientists also study the acoustics of speech, including the length and vibrational strength […]

What’s a tetanic contraction?

[ad_1] Tetanic contractions, caused by tetanus infection, can lead to painful and spastic muscle contractions throughout the body, and can cause muscle injuries and fractures. Treatment involves antibiotics, surgery, and muscle relaxants. Without treatment, tetanic contractions can be fatal. A tetanic contraction is a painful, spastic muscle contraction associated with tetanus infection. Tetanic contractions can […]