What’s Finite Reinsurance?

Finite reinsurance transfers only a portion of the total risk to the reinsurer, allowing the insured to receive sufficient coverage without paying high costs. It helps protect insurers in the event of a large number of claims and is cheaper than full reinsurance. Monthly or annual payments can be made, and either party can terminate […]

What’s a Health Info Manager’s role?

A health information manager is responsible for securely managing and updating patients’ medical records in both electronic and hard copy formats. Proper training is required, and failure to manage records can result in legal and financial implications. The manager also ensures timely and accurate processing of medical reports for insurance billing purposes. A health information […]

What’s thesis plagiarism?

Thesis plagiarism is using someone else’s work in a thesis without proper citation or having someone else write parts or all of the thesis. It violates the purpose of the work and can result in severe punishment, including expulsion from school. Thesis plagiarism is work found within one person’s thesis that is not original and […]

What’s periorbital swelling?

Periorbital edema is swelling around the eyes due to fluid buildup, often caused by underlying disorders such as kidney, heart, or liver problems. It can also be caused by nephrotic syndrome, eye infections, or allergies. Treatment involves addressing the underlying disease and reducing salt intake, and diuretics may be prescribed. Periorbital edema is swelling of […]

What’s marginal revenue?

Marginal revenue is the additional revenue gained from producing one more unit of a product, and is related to marginal cost. Firms aim to produce up to the point where marginal cost equals marginal revenue. In a competitive market, marginal revenue decreases as output increases, but in a monopoly, the firm’s marginal revenue equals marginal […]

What’s Distressed English?

Anguished English is a book by Richard Lederer that provides humorous examples of how the English language is misused. It includes mistakes made by native and non-native speakers, mistranslations, and mondegreens. The book can be used to teach grammar and spelling errors, but should not be read in public or before bed. Anguished English is […]

What’s pronation?

Pronation is the normal movement of the foot when walking or running, but excessive pronation can lead to injuries. Two tests can diagnose excessive pronation, and treatment options include orthotic inserts, proper footwear, and exercise. Surgery may be necessary for severe cases. Pronation is the normal movement the foot makes to absorb the impact of […]

What’s a biz exec’s role?

A business executive oversees a department or functional area, directing operations, projects, and programs. Specific job roles depend on the industry and company size. They may be involved in high-level decision-making and strategy, and may manage a team of senior managers. A business executive is a senior professional who is generally responsible for making key […]

What’s a contract market?

Contract markets are exchanges that trade futures and futures options in compliance with local laws and regulations. They may be designated exchanges focused on specific commodities, and investors should understand the laws and rules of engagement before trading. Contract markets are exchanges that are empowered by the laws and regulations of a jurisdiction to engage […]

What’s “sowing wild oats” mean?

“Sowing wild oats” refers to frivolous and potentially harmful activities, often associated with young men engaging in sexual adventures. Wild oats are damaging weeds that infiltrate crop fields, requiring repeated hand weeding or plowing to remove. Some cultures encourage this behavior for young men, while young women are expected to remain modest. However, prolonged periods […]

What’s a Musculoskeletal Exam?

A musculoskeletal exam evaluates muscle and bone function, checking range of motion, strength, and reflexes. It can diagnose conditions early and varies depending on the patient’s needs. The exam involves visual assessment, palpation, and percussion, and further tests may be required for a conclusive diagnosis. A musculoskeletal exam is the part of a routine physical […]

What’s an exp. psychologist’s job?

An experimental psychologist conducts research to understand psychological and behavioral issues in humans and animals. They design experiments, develop hypotheses, record materials and procedures, and publish their findings. A master’s degree in psychology is required, but a doctoral degree is needed for teaching at the university level. An experimental psychologist specializes in research designed to […]

What’s a good verdict?

Pro-sentences are short phrases that replace fuller sentences and relate to other elements of speech. Examples include “yes,” “no,” and “okay,” which can represent more complex statements. Pro-sentences can replace longer sentences and pose punctuation challenges. Understanding pro-sentences reveals the complexity and relativity of language. Pro-sentences are short sentences in which single words take the […]

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