What’s an Accumulation Conveyor?

An accumulation conveyor is used when goods need to queue or accumulate at a certain point. It differs from a roller conveyor as it includes sections that can be slowed down or stopped to allow goods to be collected. This is achieved through sensors and drive clutches. The roller conveyor is used when goods need […]

What’s a level sensor?

Level sensors detect fluid levels in pipes, containers, or other systems. They come in different designs and are used for specific applications. They can be simple gauges or detect changes in fluid levels and communicate them. They are used to detect dangerous levels of fluid buildup and can transmit data wirelessly. They use different mediums […]

What’s Anti Slip Tape?

Anti-slip tape is an adhesive tape that increases traction on surfaces to prevent falls and slips. It is available in different colors and materials, with strong adhesives that work on various surfaces. It is sold in rolls and sheets, and can be used on stairs, walkways, and skateboards. It is helpful for landlords and individuals […]

What’s Traffic Engineering?

Traffic engineering designs transportation systems for safer, efficient, and convenient travel. It manages bridges, roads, railroads, traffic lights, and uses advanced technologies to manage traffic patterns. Its history dates back to ancient empires, and it became more important in the 20th century with the advent of automobiles. Traffic flow management is a huge project, and […]

What’s a Quoin?

In traditional architecture, corners of buildings needed additional support, achieved with ashlar blocks. Quoins deflected and distributed weight, creating an aesthetically pleasing appearance. Modern architecture rarely uses functional ashlar, but decorative ashlars are popular for their old-world feel. They must be designed by architects with foresight and cannot be added after construction. Stucco ashlars are […]

What’s a land bridge?

Land bridges connect otherwise separated islands or continents, allowing for the exchange of plants and animals. The Bering land bridge, which allowed humans to migrate from Asia to the Americas, is the most famous. Other land bridges include Doggerland, which connected England to mainland Europe, and those in Indonesia. The land bridge between North and […]

What’s a cogwheel?

Sprockets are wheels with teeth that can mesh with other sprockets to create machines with varying gear ratios. Gear ratios determine the amount of mechanical power or multiplication created by two gears. Cogwheels allow machines to perform tasks beyond the singular force of people or horses, and can produce high-speed functions with low-speed input. Automotive […]

What’s a Fire Partition?

Fire partitions are walls or structures that delay the spread of fire and increase evacuation time. They differ from fire barriers in stability and do not extend across ceilings or floors. They are not expected to completely stop a fire and must meet specific safety requirements. Opinions differ on their effectiveness compared to fire barriers. […]

What’s a headlight socket?

Headlight sockets are female connectors that power headlight bulbs. They can be bought new or used, but compatibility with the car’s electrical system must be considered. Changing the type of headlights may require installing a different socket, which should be done carefully to avoid damaging the bulb. Troubleshooting and repair can be done by a […]

What’s a Vac Blender?

A vacuum mixer is used to mix compounds under vacuum conditions to prevent bubble formation. It is available for scientific research, food service, and medical uses. Mixer blades can be replaced for different applications. It is commonly used in the preparation of cements, amalgam, and other materials for medical applications. The device can be fully […]

What’s a VOC?

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are carbon-based compounds that vaporize at room temperature, found in products such as gasoline and building materials. Outgassing releases VOCs into the atmosphere, contributing to environmental issues and poor indoor air quality, which can cause respiratory problems. The green building movement is reducing or eliminating VOCs from products, and individuals can […]

What’s a hipped roof?

A hipped roof has four sides that slope towards the eaves and is used in architecture worldwide. It creates a uniform, solid look and requires less support. Variations include the mansard roof and dormers. Hipped roofs resist high winds well, making them popular in hurricane and winter storm-prone areas. A hipped roof is a style […]

What’s Ferrocement?

Ferrocement is a cost-effective and durable composite material used in construction, including houses, boats, and bridges. It involves creating a wire mesh frame and applying a thin layer of cement, sand, and water, which hardens over time. Ferrocement is flexible, fire-resistant, and performs well in earthquakes. It is a great option for areas with limited […]

What’s a compact drill?

Compact drills are designed to fit into tight spaces and are used by professionals in limited environments. They have a sleek design, can be operated one-handed, and have various features such as attached flashlights and magnetized heads. They can be battery or corded and accept a variety of heads with forward and reverse and variable […]

What’s unique about Croatian limestone?

Croatia’s unique geography is due to its limestone, known as karst, which forms the Dinaric Karst landscape. The limestone is used in construction and industrial works, and is also found in toothpaste and gardening. The porous nature of the limestone has created unique environments for flora and geological formations such as rivers, waterfalls, and underground […]

What’s the % of right-handed people?

Most people are right-handed, but scientists aren’t sure why. Some people prefer their non-dominant foot in sports, and have ocular dominance. Some animals also have laterality. Most people are right-handed, between 70 and 90 percent, depending on which study results you accept. The other 10 to 30 percent are mostly left-handed or ambidextrous. Scientists aren’t […]

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