What’s a train whistle?

Train whistles were originally powered by steam and used to improve safety by alerting people of approaching trains. They evolved into loud air horns and are used to warn motorists and pedestrians, signal other trains, and acknowledge railway employees. Different manufacturers use distinct whistles, and enthusiasts can identify them. The equivalent of a car horn, […]

What are dog whistle policies? (37 characters)

Dog whistle politics is a tactic where politicians use coded language to target specific groups without alerting the general public. It originated in Australia in the 1990s and has since spread to other countries. Examples include religious references and veiled racist terms. Political commentators and websites can help expose these tactics. Dog whistle politics is […]

Clean as a whistle: what does it mean?

The origin of the phrase “clean as a whistle” is unclear. Some suggest it was originally “clear as a whistle,” referring to the clear tone of a whistle or bell. The word “clean” may have also referred to smoothness, necessary for a clear tone. Alternatively, “smooth as a whistle” may be a more accurate variation. […]

What’s “blow the whistle” mean?

The “blow the whistle” idiom refers to reporting a corrupt or dishonest situation, with the person who does so being called a whistleblower. This term can have a negative connotation, but whistleblowers can report to authorities, employers, or the media. Generally, the “blow the whistle” idiom means that someone has disclosed or reported a corrupt […]

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