What’s an external wholesaler’s role?

External wholesalers promote pre-packaged investment products to brokerage firms and licensed agents. They are assigned to specific product lines and work alongside internal wholesalers. During sales presentations, they explain key features and benefits of certain mutual funds and receive commission when a representative sells a product. An outside wholesaler markets mutual funds, annuities, life insurance […]

What do wholesalers do?

Wholesale distributors act as intermediaries between manufacturers and resellers, purchasing large quantities of products at a reduced price and selling them to retailers. This allows manufacturers to manage fewer relationships and resellers to take advantage of cost savings. Wholesale distributors are common in various industries. Wholesale distributors act as an intermediary between manufacturers who create […]

What’s an in-house wholesaler’s role?

In-house wholesalers work for insurance and investment firms, developing sales strategies and marketing new products to external vendors and partner institutions. They work with outside sales representatives and report to regional sales managers, compiling sales reports and meeting targets. Candidates must have a bachelor’s degree and pass licensing exams. In-house wholesalers are salespeople who work […]

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