Sailor’s wife has baby while he’s away?

The USS Abraham Lincoln completed the longest carrier deployment in US Navy history in 2003, with 150 babies born to servicemen on board. Naval deployments typically last six months, with sailors working long days and enjoying free time with various activities. When President George W. Bush called an end to major combat operations in Iraq […]

Can a smarter wife improve marriage?

Geneva School of Business researchers have developed a formula to increase the chances of a happy and lasting marriage by up to 20%, based on age, cultural background, and intelligence. The wife should be approximately 27% more intelligent than the husband. Researchers at the Geneva School of Business have developed a formula to increase the […]

What’s a Stepford wife?

The term “Stepford Wife” refers to a woman who lives a compliant life, often used derogatorily. The term comes from a book and film where men replace their wives with robots. Critics note the allure of a spouse eager to please, but feminists argue it undermines the work of stay-at-home mothers. Some believe the problem […]

Valentine’s Day: gift for wife?

Valentine’s Day gifts for your wife can be traditional or unique, such as flowers, candy, or a romantic getaway. Consider fulfilling a promise or trying a new activity together to celebrate your love. The best gifts are those that you can enjoy together. Valentine’s Day gifts are a wonderful way to show appreciation for your […]

What’s an Army Wife?

Being an army wife means being part of a military culture and making sacrifices for their husband’s career. Some have their own careers, but relocation can be a challenge. Officers’ wives are expected to socialize and support their husbands, which can impact promotions. Life can be stressful, but a supportive wife can help with reintegration […]

What’s a trophy wife?

A wealthy man’s next status symbol after acquiring personal wealth, social influence, and political clout is often an attractive, well-educated younger woman, known as a “trophy wife.” While some women in these relationships may play a submissive role in public, not all May-December relationships are calculated moves to acquire a trophy wife. The term is […]

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