What are wills? (19 characters)

DIY wills are documents created by individuals to distribute their assets after death. They are advertised as a convenient and legally binding option, but legal authorities advise against them due to their inability to consider local laws. Online wills are becoming popular, but local laws can still undermine their effectiveness. DIY wills can provide a […]

Wills vs. trusts: what’s the difference?

Wills and trusts have key differences, including probate proceedings, public access, tax treatment, and asset management. Wills require probate and can be costly, while trusts avoid probate and offer greater tax benefits. Trusts can also be managed during the creator’s life and remain private. While wills and trusts both offer a mechanism for distributing estate […]

Estate planning and wills: what’s the link?

Estate planning and wills are closely linked as a will specifies how an estate will be divided and who the beneficiaries are, while dying without a proper will leaves the distribution of assets to state representatives. A will also allows for specific wishes to be implemented, such as leaving an estate to a philanthropic organization, […]

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