What’s a wire transfer?

Wire transfer is an electronic transfer of funds from one financial institution to another, allowing for international buying and selling. Wire transfer and cable transfer are used interchangeably, but wire transfer refers to domestic transactions and cable transfer to international ones. Internet technology has made wire transfers easier for consumers. Wire transfer is a form […]

What’s a wire room?

A switch room is a hub for transmitting customer orders, transaction notifications, and funds. Banks and brokerage houses have wire rooms, which are often supported by computer systems and staffed by trained personnel. The switch room staff is responsible for verifying the information that passes through their hands and creating a record of activity printouts. […]

What’s Wire House?

A wire house is a large financial institution with multiple branches connected electronically to share information. Banks and brokerage firms are wire houses, but the rise of online discount brokers has challenged their dominance. The future of wire houses is uncertain due to the changing economic climate. A wire house is a large financial institution […]

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