What’s workplace absenteeism?

Workplace absenteeism can be planned or unplanned and can be costly for a company due to lost productivity and the need to pay overtime. Companies develop policies to minimize the financial costs of absenteeism, and governments have laws governing how employers can treat employees regarding absenteeism. Workplace absenteeism is a phenomenon that occurs whenever an […]

Best ways to ensure workplace safety?

Risk management strategies and emergency preparedness are essential for workplace safety. A risk manager should identify hazards, determine likelihood, and implement necessary actions. Building safety methods and background checks can also protect against threats. HVAC controls and procedures for handling suspicious mail are also important. One of the best ways to protect workplace safety is […]

Types of workplace grievances?

Employees can file legal claims against employers for workplace issues such as accidents, injuries, illnesses, discrimination, and harassment. Worker’s compensation claims can be filed for injuries and illnesses, while workplace grievances can be filed for stress-related illnesses and employer negligence. Employers are responsible for the health and safety of their workers and can be held […]

Workplace manners?

Workplace etiquette involves respectful behavior, such as addressing coworkers politely, adhering to dress codes, and taking responsibility for work. Companies often have specific guides for expected conduct, and workplace manuals may outline additional rules. Workplace etiquette refers to proper behavior in the workplace, to make the environment in which people work polite, respectful, pleasant. This […]

What’s workplace harassment?

Workplace harassment is unwanted behavior that makes an employee feel uncomfortable or creates a hostile environment, often based on factors such as race, gender, age, or sexual orientation. Laws protect employees from harassment, which must be unwelcome, offensive, and affect job performance. Sexual advances and biased remarks are common forms of harassment, but employers are […]

Workplace confidentiality: what is it?

Workplace confidentiality policies protect confidential information such as customer and employee records, and research and development data. Breaches can damage a company’s reputation and long-term plans. Employees can receive training on privacy laws and procedures to comply with them. Workplace confidentiality is a framework of workplace policies and procedures designed to maintain the integrity of […]

Types of workplace harassment?

Workplace harassment can take many forms, including targeting individuals based on their gender, race, age, sexual orientation, disability, religion, political beliefs, or national origin. Sexual harassment is a common form, but all types of harassment can result in negative job consequences or even job loss. Harassment can include verbal or physical behavior that degrades an […]

How to prevent workplace violence?

Preventing workplace violence involves education, prevention, response, and follow-up. Education includes recognizing risk factors and warning signs, while prevention involves awareness, training, and pre-employment screening. Response includes emergency teams and evacuation plans, while follow-up involves assessing the situation and changing policies and procedures. Preventing workplace violence usually involves several distinct steps, often found in a […]

Workplace Monitoring: What is it?

Workplace monitoring is used to ensure safety and efficiency, but can conflict with employee privacy. Tools include cameras, audio monitors, and phone and computer usage monitoring. Laws are evolving to address the legality of different monitoring practices. Workplace monitoring is a practice that involves keeping an eye on activities and conditions in a workplace for […]

Types of workplace bullying?

Workplace bullying is difficult to address as it can become institutionalized. Recognizing types of bullying can help deal with the problem. Types include unwitting, serial, couple/group, proxy, and corporate bullying, as well as verbal, physical, and cyberbullying. Employers should emphasize that no one should feel uncomfortable at work and encourage employees to speak out. Workplace […]

Org behavior in the workplace: what traits?

Organizational behavior in the workplace is influenced by various factors, including workplace conditions, worker expectations, and management style. Characteristics like worker satisfaction, recognition, and productivity are affected by these factors. Studies show that factors like flexible schedules and personal investment in the company can improve productivity. There are several common characteristics of organizational behavior in […]

Workplace body language: what’s appropriate?

Understanding cultural body language is important when working with people of different nationalities. Appropriate workplace body language includes sitting upright but relaxed, keeping palms open, and maintaining eye contact. Personal space and physical contact should be respected, and company guidelines on appropriate conduct should be followed. Workplace body language can change how you are perceived […]

What’s a Virtual Workplace?

A virtual workplace is a work environment that doesn’t have a central location, but instead relies on technology and resources from multiple locations, including employee homes. It can save companies money, but may not work well in all industries. Worker productivity can be a concern, but early studies suggest it is not negatively impacted. Virtual […]

Workplace violence warning signs?

Warning signs of workplace violence include changes in behavior, temperament, and personal hygiene, as well as workplace bullying and physical aggression. It’s important to take action before the situation escalates and to address underlying personal issues. While people are sometimes surprised when workplace violence breaks out, the fact is that there are often a number […]

What’s workplace ergonomics?

Workplace ergonomics aims to minimize employee health risks and increase productivity, reducing employer costs. It involves designing workspaces with furniture and equipment that offer optimal body support and reducing the risk of repetitive strain injury. Ergonomics has become an important industry, spawning furniture companies and consultancies. Workplace ergonomics is the practice of designing an office […]

What’s workplace retaliation?

Workplace retaliation occurs when an employer takes negative action against an employee for exercising their rights. In the US, laws protect employees from retaliation for reporting violations, filing claims, or joining a union. Employees can speak with their supervisor or file a complaint if they experience retaliation. Workplace retaliation occurs when an employer takes adverse […]

Best workplace organization tips?

Following workplace organization tips, such as using to-do lists, sorting files, decluttering, and scheduling a calendar, can save time and increase productivity. Keeping items where they are needed reduces time wasted searching for them. Digital data also needs to be organized, and physical calendars can complement digital ones. There are countless ways to create and […]

How to survey workplace?

Employers must investigate all allegations of wrongdoing, including harassment and discrimination, workplace incidents, and criminal activity. Documentation and privacy laws must be respected, and interviews and physical investigations may be necessary. Results should be compiled into a report with planned actions to address the issue, and corrective measures should be taken. Disciplinary action and notifying […]

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