Should I worry if I’m hurt for no reason?

Bruising occurs when blood leaks from capillaries due to injury or weakened skin/capillaries. Medications or blood disorders can also cause bruising. Unexplained bruising may be from a forgotten injury and is generally not a major concern. A bruise occurs when blood leaks from the capillaries, usually from a blow to the body, creating an area […]

Why worry about cloned animals in food?

The FDA has allowed cloned animal products into American food supplies, causing concern among consumers about safety, genetic modification, and animal welfare. Cloning is expensive and reduces species diversity, while genetically modified clones pose a risk to healthy animals. Consumers want the choice to avoid cloned animal products, but tracing them can be difficult and […]

What’s Worry Trolling?

Worry trolling is when someone enters a discussion claiming to support the view but has concerns, sowing doubt and dissent. Clever worry trolling involves developing a believable character with legitimate concerns. Concern trolls can use fake accounts and distract from serious issues. Ignoring trolls is best, but it can be difficult to distinguish them from […]

Prolapse in pregnancy: what to worry about?

Organ prolapse during pregnancy can be a medical emergency, with a prolapsed uterus or umbilical cord requiring surgery. Obstetricians may use a pessary device to keep the uterus in place. Bladder prolapse may require a cesarean delivery, and umbilical cord prolapse may require emergency surgery. Symptoms include a feeling of fullness or something falling out […]

Grammar worry?

Quito, Ecuador has a group of anonymous grammar watchmen called Acción Ortográfica Quito who correct spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors in graffiti around the city. The trio, known as Punto Final, post their work online and aim to entertain the city. Graffiti is a common sight in most cities around the world and Quito, Ecuador […]

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