Alaska’s WWII impact?

During World War II, the US government forcibly displaced 881 Indigenous people from Alaska’s Aleutian Islands to camps in Southeast Alaska due to Japanese military raids. The Aleuts faced miserable conditions in the camps and remained silent for years. The US apologized in 1988 and provided reparations. Most Americans are familiar with President Franklin D. […]

Non-Nazi German soldiers in WWII?

Not all German soldiers in WWII were Nazis, as the Wehrmacht consisted largely of non-Nazi soldiers. The SS, however, was made up entirely of Nazi Party members and committed the worst atrocities. There were certainly non-Nazi German soldiers in WWII (WWII), although many members of the German military were ideologically supportive of or even affiliated […]

How did Japan end WWII?

Emperor Hirohito announced Japan’s surrender on August 15, 1945, but his formal language and lack of explicit surrender caused confusion. The decision to surrender was influenced by the destruction of Japanese forces and the use of atomic bombs by the US. Hirohito, also known as Emperor Shōwa, was emperor of Japan between 1926 and 1989. […]

Did Anne Frank’s family flee Europe in WWII?

Otto Frank desperately sought help to escape Nazi-occupied Holland, but was unsuccessful in obtaining US or Cuban visas due to tightened regulations. The Frank family went into hiding in 1942 and were eventually sent to concentration camps, where Anne and Margot died. About a year before Anne Frank began writing in her diary in June […]

WWII participants still at war?

Russia and Japan have never signed a peace treaty to officially end WWII due to a dispute over the Kuril Islands. Both nations claim rights to the islands, and talks have not resulted in a resolution. Although WWII effectively ended in 1945, it is technically still ongoing as two participants, Russia and Japan, have never […]

Hitler’s WWII food tasters: how many?

Margot Wölk was one of Hitler’s 15 food testers during WWII, forced to taste his food. She and 14 other women were imprisoned near his wolf’s lair and never ate meat because Hitler was a vegetarian. Wölk was the only survivor and spoke publicly about her experiences in 2013. Margot Wölk ate quite well during […]

Did WWII use biological warfare?

During WWII, over 70 million people died, with more than half being civilians. In 1940, Japanese planes dropped fleas carrying bubonic plague over Ningbo, China, killing at least 109 citizens due to the work of Unit 731. Biological warfare dates back to antiquity, including the use of dead animals to contaminate water supplies and the […]

Which US celeb joined a Japanese war cry in WWII?

Japanese soldiers in World War II shouted “to hell with Babe Ruth!” as he was seen as a symbol of American patriotism. Babe Ruth had previously gone on a goodwill tour of Japan as part of the American baseball All-Stars team. Professional baseball player Babe Ruth was a celebrity who was part of a Japanese […]

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