What’s the 30 Years War?

The Thirty Years’ War was a religious and political conflict that devastated most of Europe from 1618-1648. The war destabilized the Holy Roman Empire and was caused by treaty failures, imperialist projects, and religious conflicts. The conflict began with disputes between Catholic and Lutheran followers, leading to renewed religious conflict in the early 17th century. […]

Do New Year’s resolutions work?

Only 20% of people achieve their New Year’s resolutions, with weight loss being the most common goal. Self-improvement and education are the highest resolution categories. Accountability and setting smaller goals can increase success. New Year’s traditions include the ball drop in NYC and January named after the god Janus. According to 8 statistics from the […]

New Year’s Eve ideas?

New Year’s Eve is celebrated on December 31st with champagne, parties, and other festivities. Traditional celebrations include private parties, fine dining, riverboat gambling, and hotel events. Consider a New Year’s cruise or lounge entertainment. Book in advance and have a safe and happy New Year. New Year’s Eve may be the official holiday, but most […]

Common New Year’s resolutions?

New Year’s resolutions are common and often involve getting fit, spending time with family, quitting smoking or drinking, taming debt, having more fun, helping others, and becoming more organized. These resolutions are aimed at achieving important goals and improving one’s life. The arrival of the new year often accompanies the thirst to start over and […]

What’s your New Year’s resolution?

New Year’s resolutions are common vows made on January 1st for self-improvement, ranging from health to professional and social goals. Weight loss and financial improvement are popular resolutions, as well as eliminating bad habits. Commitment to personal or spiritual growth can be shared with loved ones. There’s an old saying that a new broom sweeps […]

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