Unemployment rate of Greek and Spanish youth?

In 2011, Greece and Spain had high youth unemployment rates of nearly 50%, while the US and OECD had rates of around 8-9%. In 2010, over 80 million non-student youths were unemployed worldwide, with the highest rates in Slovakia, Hungary, and France. Other countries with high unemployment rates include Zimbabwe, Vanuatu, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan. At […]

Youth Marketing: What is it?

Youth marketing targets children, teenagers and young adults to earn a share of their large spending. It involves making products attractive to this age group and using online and face-to-face communication to reach them. College campuses are a popular location for marketing campaigns. Youth marketing is the practice of promoting advertising campaigns to children, teenagers […]

Youth entrepreneurship: what is it?

Youth entrepreneurship refers to children who start their own businesses, often with little help from adults. They can start any type of business, from babysitting to internet businesses, and may receive help from organizations or parents/guardians. Youth entrepreneurship is a term that refers to children who are also business people. While most entrepreneurs are adults, […]

Youth community dev?

Community youth development involves partnerships between youth-based organizations and local institutions to address issues such as health, crime, and education. It requires collaboration between educators and community leaders and can be funded through various sources, including grants and donations. Community youth development (CYD) is a concept based on the mutualism of a community and its […]

What’s the Nat’l Youth Admin?

The National Youth Administration was a New Deal program created in 1935 to provide jobs and assistance to unemployed Americans between 16 and 25. It was encouraged by Eleanor Roosevelt and provided job training and work-study programs. The program included jobs for young women and was discontinued in the 1940s. The National Youth Administration was […]

What are policies for youth?

Youth policy includes political movements led by young people and organizations targeting youth. Age definitions vary by region and policies may address issues such as age limits for activities and injustices against youth. Youth activism can lead to cultural and social change, and even revolution. Political parties often design organizations targeting young people, with goals […]

What’s a Youth Hostel?

Youth hostels offer affordable accommodation for travelers worldwide, promoting social interaction and meeting people from different cultures. The first hostel was founded in 1912 by Richard Schirrmann, leading to the creation of Hostelling International, managing over 4,500 hostels in 80 countries. Hostels offer dorms, single or double rooms, common spaces, and notice boards with activities […]

Youth fest: what is it?

Youth festivals offer a range of activities for young people, with themes including art, music, dance, film, games, and academics. Some require auditions and applications, and are held in schools, convention centers, or outdoor arenas. Attendance and application requirements vary, and venues depend on the event’s scope and theme. Sponsors include schools, arts programs, religious […]

Youth counselor jobs: what are they?

Youth counselor jobs are not limited to schools and churches, as child care institutions, youth camps, and cruise ships also hire counselors to work with children and teens. Responsibilities vary depending on the environment, but most jobs require a high school diploma and some may require a college degree in social work. Most people are […]

How to be a youth coordinator?

Youth coordinators oversee and develop activities for children, requiring strong leadership, communication, and organizational skills. A college education is helpful, but not always required. Experience in social services, education, or psychology, as well as knowledge of games and crafts, is important. Jobs can be found in community organizations, parks and recreation departments, churches, hotels, and […]

Youth fundraising ideas: types?

Young people should not just ask for money for fundraising, but offer products or services in exchange. Common ideas include selling candy, hosting car washes, and organizing events. Small-scale ideas like collecting cans and bottles or shoveling snow can also be profitable. Supervision and legality should be considered, and the purpose of the fundraising should […]

Aging Youth in Foster Care: What’s Next?

Young people leaving foster care face challenges such as homelessness, unemployment, and mental illness due to lack of support. Foster care systems vary, but in the US, foster children are wards of the state and receive little personalized care. Programs to support aging youth are left to individual states, with some providing stipends or public […]

Youth volunteer options: types?

Teens can find volunteer opportunities in non-profit organizations, healthcare, childcare, and community service. They can work in offices, with children, or in hospitals. Some programs offer room and board for young people facing challenges. There are many different types of youth volunteer opportunities for teens who are looking for early career experience and ways to […]

What’s a youth advocate?

A youth advocate speaks up for children who are in danger or need, and works to determine the steps needed to remedy the situation. They may work directly with children or develop policy changes. A court-appointed guardian ad litem invests time and energy into a child’s best interests. An advocate communicates with all parties involved […]

How to be a youth counselor?

To become a youth counselor, obtain a master’s degree in counseling, complete supervised counseling practice, obtain a professional counseling license, and consider becoming a certified national counselor. Research the job’s realities and determine if your personality is a good fit. If you want to help children and teens with issues ranging from emotional, developmental and […]

Youth counselor’s role?

Youth counselors provide guidance and social services for children and adolescents facing behavioral problems and adverse life obstacles. They work in various contexts and need to be patient, empathetic, and authoritative. Requirements vary, but most have at least a bachelor’s degree and attend specialized training courses. Advanced degrees can lead to higher positions in the […]

Youth pastor’s role?

Youth pastors provide spiritual guidance and biblical teachings to youth and young adults, establish and direct services and activities for the church, and conduct outreach events in the community. They must have a background in promoting youth or teaching biblical standards and excellent communication skills. They work varied hours and are responsible for administering the […]

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