Tanzania: What to know?

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Tanzania, with a population of around 44 million people belonging to over 100 different ethnic groups, has no official language but prefers Swahili for business and formal communications. The country’s workforce is mostly rural, and its capital, Dodoma, is relatively undeveloped. Despite large deposits of gold, natural gas, and mineral deposits, Tanzania remains mostly unexplored. Tanzania is home to several national parks, such as Tarangire National Park, Arusha National Park, and Mount Kilimanjaro. The country has become a magnet for scientists trying to understand world history, with some of the oldest known human remains found there.

The United Republic of Tanzania, which is Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania in Swahili, is normally known worldwide simply as Tanzania. The East African country covers a territory of 364,898 square miles (945,087 km²), with a population of around 44 million people belonging to over 100 different ethnic groups.

Due to the myriad groups living in Tanzania, there is no official language in the country, although officials prefer Swahili for business and formal communications. English is widely used, especially in anything to do with international issues, although it’s no longer taught in schools, so it’s becoming less common.

Ninety percent of people living in Tanzania have jobs related to agriculture. Cities are still underdeveloped and most of Tanzania’s workforce is rural. The capital, Dodoma, is also relatively undeveloped, although it has an airport and two universities. Tanzania gained full independence from Britain in 1961, becoming first a constitutional monarchy and then a republic. Tanzania is now a democratic republic, with citizens choosing a president by direct vote.

Despite large deposits of gold, natural gas and mineral deposits, Tanzania remains mostly unexplored. For example, in 2004, the first company engaged in the commercial production of natural gas was established in Tanzania; before that, the country was mostly dependent on its neighbors for their domestic consumption. Other industries, including publishing, media, and medicine remain virtually untouched.

Tanzania is home to several national parks, such as Tarangire National Park, near the city of Arusha. Arusha National Park, not far from Tarangire, is home to colobus monkeys, spotted hyenas, giraffes and other giants. Elephants are rare, but can sometimes be seen in parks. Less than 30 miles away (50km), Mount Kilimanjaro offers visitors the chance to experience one of Tanzania’s most magical vistas. There are mountain lodges and rest homes within the park, so visitors can get the full wilderness experience.

Over the years, archaeologists have found some of the oldest known human remains in Tanzania, dating back 2 million years. Known as ‘The Cradle of Humankind’, Tanzania has become a magnet for scientists trying to understand world history. Since Tanzania has not been impacted by other more industrialized nations, many of its natural and historical treasures remain intact and waiting to be found.

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