Tapeworms can grow up to 8.5 inches per day and can live inside a host for up to 25 years without causing any symptoms. The longest tapeworm ever recorded was 82 feet long. The greatest risk of infection is during late summer and fall, and handling raw fish can also be a common source of infection. In rare cases, tapeworms can make their way into the brain, causing a condition called neurocysticercosis.
A tapeworm can grow 8.5 inches (22 cm) per day once it makes its way into the host’s small intestine. The longest tapeworm ever recorded was 82 feet (25 m) long. The lengths of these parasites generally depend on the specific type and how long it has been inside its host. A tapeworm enters the body of a human or animal when the parasite is in the form of larvae and its small size can make it undetectable. The parasite can live inside a host for up to 25 years and may not cause any symptoms.
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The greatest risk for tapeworm infections is during the late summer and fall months, when tapeworm eggs are most commonly produced.
Gelite fish, a Jewish culinary dish that is a combination of freshwater fish and matzo meal, is one of the most common food sources of tapeworms due to handling raw fish which may contain tapeworm larvae.
Neurocysticercosis is a rare condition in which a tapeworm makes its way into the brain instead of the gut and is estimated to occur in about 1,500 people each year.