Teach myself to juggle?

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To learn how to juggle, start by throwing one ball from hand to hand in an arc pattern. Then, add a second ball and alternate throwing them between hands. Finally, add a third ball and juggle in a pattern of throwing and catching.

To learn how to juggle, you’ll need to start slowly. First, you must take a ball and throw it from hand to hand in an arc pattern. The ball should be positioned at approximately eye level when it reaches the top of the arc. This will prepare you for the next step in learning to juggle.
After mastering this first exercise, the next step in learning how to juggle is to place a ball in each of your hands. Throw the first ball from your right hand to your left hand. Make sure you keep the arc pattern learned in the first exercise. When the ball reaches the top of the arc, throw it from your left hand to your right hand. The first ball you tossed should land in your left hand almost immediately after you tossed the ball you were holding. Then, use your right hand to catch the ball you threw from your left.

Keep practicing this exercise until you feel comfortable throwing and catching balls. This is a fundamental step in learning to juggle. Also, alternate between starting the exercise with your right hand and starting with your left hand. It’s important that both hands work smoothly when you play. Be careful never to throw both balls at the same time or throw the balls in a circular pattern, as this is not the correct pattern to use when juggling.

Now that you’ve learned how to throw two balls, it’s time to learn how to juggle three balls. To juggle three balls, you will need to place two balls in one hand and one in the other. The two balls should be placed in your dominant hand. Begin the juggling pattern by throwing one of two balls into your other hand in an arcing pattern, just like you did in the first exercise.

Once the first ball reaches the top of the arc, throw the single ball in your other hand towards the hand you started with. You will catch the first ball immediately after, just like you did in the second exercise. Now, throw the remaining ball in an arc pattern and catch the second ball you threw. To continue the juggling pattern, throw the opposite ball into the air whenever the airborne ball reaches the top of the arc.

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