Tinnitus is a condition where a person hears sounds in one or both ears without an external source. It can be caused by damage to the inner ear, other areas of the body, or medications. Treatment depends on the cause.
Tinnitus refers to a condition characterized by a person hearing sounds in one or both ears despite the absence of an external source for sound. There are some commonalities in the types of sounds people have reported hearing. For example, in many cases those with tinnitus report hearing a buzzing, buzzing or whistling sound, although other sounds, such as roaring, have also been reported. Some even claimed to listen to music. Temporary tinnitus refers to tinnitus that is transient, while permanent tinnitus refers to tinnitus that occurs for an indefinite period of time.
There are many different possible causes of temporary tinnitus. Most commonly, it’s caused by damage to the inner ear, which can result from exposure to loud noise, aging, and, in rare cases, the presence of earwax. Generally, patients who suffer from tinnitus due to damage to the inner ear report hearing a ringing sound.
Damage to other areas of the body can also cause temporary tinnitus. Known as somatic tinnitus, injuries to body parts including the head, neck and jaw have been linked to very severe and loud forms of temporary tinnitus. For example, those who suffer from arthritis of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which is the joint in the jaw, often experience temporary tinnitus. Another common cause of somatic tinnitus is damage to the vestibulocochlear nerve, also called the eighth nerve. This nerve is located halfway between the ear and the brain, and damage to the nerve caused by viral infections has been linked to temporary tinnitus.
Some medications are also known to cause temporary tinnitus due to their effect on the inner ear. For example, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and aspirin are two of the most commonly identified drugs associated with ringing in the ears. Other types of tinnitus-inducing medications are various types of antibiotics and some chemotherapy agents.
Patients suffering from this condition can suffer from sleep deprivation, decreased concentration and, in some cases, depression. The treatment of this disorder is varied and depends on the identified cause. When a specific cause can be identified, such as TMJ arthritis or a reaction to medications, treatment involves managing the underlying cause. In other cases, medications may be used to treat temporary tinnitus. For example, ringing in the ears caused by irritation of the eighth nerve can sometimes be treated effectively with anticonvulsant medications.