Snoring is caused by narrowed airways in the throat or abnormalities in throat muscles. It can be caused by inherited traits, age, sinus problems, smoking, alcohol, and medication. Prolonged snoring can lead to sleep apnea and require medical treatment.
Snoring can be a very disruptive thing when it comes to a person’s sleep. Inadequate sleep patterns cause daytime fatigue and irritability. When the body doesn’t get enough rest, health problems can arise and a person’s quality of life can drop significantly.
The sound of snoring originates inside a person’s mouth. Some people snore while sleeping with their mouth open, while others snore while sleeping with their mouth closed. Some may only snore while sleeping on their backs and others snore no matter what position they are in. When the airways in the back of the throat narrow from sleeping in a certain position or there are abnormalities in the throat muscles, snoring will result. An excessive amount of throat tissue or nasal tissue makes a person more prone to snoring.
Every time we inhale during sleep, the air we inhale enters through our nose or mouth. It then moves on to the soft palate, which is located at the back of the mouth at the roof. Our tongue and the top of our throat meet at the back of our mouth. This area is pliable, and if the back of the throat is blocked or narrowed, the soft palate and uvula vibrate against the throat, causing the sound that is heard when a person snores. The narrower a person’s airways are, the louder the snoring will be.
Snoring can be caused by a variety of reasons. Some are under our control while others are not. Certain inherited traits, such as a cleft palate or enlarged adenoids, can cause snoring. As we age, our throat tends to narrow, making us more prone to snoring. Sinus problems or allergies can block the airways and cause a person to snore.
While there are several reasons for snoring that are beyond our control, there are also reasons for snoring that are within our control. There is more fatty tissue in the back of a person’s throat when they are out of shape and overweight. A person who smokes may snore because smoking can create nasal congestion and relax the throat muscles.
Drinking alcohol and taking various medications before bed will relax the throat muscles. When a person sleeps on their back, it’s easier for the throat muscles to relax and block the airways, causing them to snore. Prolonged snoring can lead to a more serious condition called sleep apnea, and treatment by a doctor may be needed to get rid of the problem.