Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits workplace discrimination based on race, national origin, color, religion, and gender. Amendments have made discrimination based on pregnancy and sexual harassment illegal. The law also extends to involvement in unions and other employment organizations. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act and Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act were later enacted to protect workers from age and compensation discrimination. Some employers are exempt from Title VII, including Native American tribes, private non-profit organizations, and religious groups.
The Title VII Civil Rights Act of 1964, commonly referred to as the Equal Employment Opportunity Act or Equal Opportunity Act, ensures that there is no discrimination in the workplace in the United States. This section of the legislation specifies race, national origin, colour, religion and gender as qualities which cannot be discriminated against. Companies that discriminate against people based on these qualities can face serious legal repercussions under United States law. Title VII Civil Rights Act also makes sexual harassment in the workplace illegal.
Title VII is one of the laws that emerged from the United States Civil Rights Act of 1964. A company with 15 or more employees may not discriminate against employees or prospective employees based on race, national origin, color, religion or gender. Further amendments to the law made discrimination on the grounds of pregnancy and sexual harassment illegal. Protection on the basis of sexual orientation is not currently specified in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, although many states have enacted laws protecting workers of all sexual orientations.
Violates Title VII the company that does not hire or fire an employee on the basis of one of the parameters mentioned. In addition, employers may not deny an employee opportunities, such as training, raise or promotion, or give an employee preferential treatment based on race, national origin, color, religion or gender. The federal protection of employees covered by the Title VII civil rights law also extends to involvement in unions or other employment organizations.
The Title VII Civil Rights Act was expanded to provide protections for additional groups, and the protections have been extended to other areas since the bill’s conception in 1964. In 1967, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act was enacted ( ADEA) to protect workers from age discrimination. This law was designed to protect older employees from being fired or not hired for jobs in favor of younger and often less expensive employees. The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, enacted in 2009, extends Title VII protection to compensation. Discrimination in compensation is now illegal in the United States under Title VII Civil Rights Act.
There are certain types of employers who are granted partial or full exemption from Title VII. These include Native American tribes, private non-profit organizations, and religious groups. The federal government was also exempt from Title VII when the law was first enacted, but has since lost its exemption.