TMJ, or temporomandibular joint disorder, causes pain and sensitivity in the teeth due to jaw misalignment, leading to inflammation and stress on nerves, muscles, and cartilage. Symptoms range from headaches to tooth tenderness and erosion, and can be misdiagnosed. Treatments include dental work, pain relievers, biofeedback, and corrective measures such as orthodontics or surgery.
The main effect of TMJ on the teeth is pain and sensitivity. TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint disorder, a condition typically caused by jaw misalignment. Inflammation of the temporomandibular joint results from misalignment of the jaw. Individuals with the disorder often engage in teeth grinding and clenching.
TMJ – also known as Costen syndrome – usually results from an improper bite due to a misalignment of the jaw. A number of factors can affect alignment, such as degenerative disease, improper chewing, and excessive jaw movement. This abnormality stresses various areas that help connect the jaw to the skull, including nerves, muscles and cartilage. Headaches and a stiff jaw typically result from the condition, as does inflammation of the temporomandibular joint. Other symptoms can range from a dull ache in the face to ringing or pain in the ears.
The stress of TMJ on the teeth creates many symptoms. Biting and chewing can prove problematic due to a misplaced jaw. Thus, tooth tenderness and subsequent pain may develop. Excessive clenching or grinding of the teeth may also occur, which can also ease the pain. The pain is usually caused by a nerve that runs through the temporomandibular joint known as the trigeminal nerve.
Chronic complications of TMJ on the teeth can cause erosion of the bones that support the teeth and the teeth themselves. For example, inflammation of the pulp of the teeth can occur after a tooth has been eroded. This condition produces pain and eventually damages the nerves in the teeth. Teeth and bones can also snap and burst because the teeth shift in the jaw due to lack of proper support.
TMJ often goes undiagnosed because its symptoms are incorrectly attributed to a different cause. As a result, unnecessary root canals or tooth extractions are performed. A dentist who specializes in TMJ problems or a neuromuscular dentist may perhaps best evaluate a case of TMJ.
Treatments can first address the resulting damage from TMJ on the teeth. You may need dental work to treat any periodontal disease, and pain relievers can help reduce toothache or other TMJ pain. Biofeedback machines can help a patient pinpoint specific problems in the muscular or nervous system and focus therapeutic exercises in those regions. Splints worn in the mouth at night may prevent you from grinding or clenching your teeth. Long-term treatment approaches generally focus on correcting the malformed alignment of the jaw, either through orthodontic means, behavior modification, or reconstructive surgery in the most severe cases.