30% of the world lacks access to proper toilets, with 1.1 billion women and children facing additional risks. WaterAid found the 10 countries with limited sanitation are in sub-Saharan Africa, with Ethiopia having the highest percentage. More people have access to cell phones than toilets.
About 30% of the world’s population lacks access to a decent toilet. In addition to the dangers to everyone’s health, this means that more than 1.1 billion women and children worldwide face additional risks associated with a lack of adequate sanitation, including harassment and barriers to school attendance. This is what the non-governmental organization WaterAid says, which in 2017 published a report on “The state of toilets in the world”. The group found that the 10 countries with the most limited access to basic sanitation are all in sub-Saharan Africa, with Ethiopia having the highest percentage of its population living without adequate sanitation . Despite recent improvements, only 7% of Ethiopians have access to adequate sanitation.
Wash with info:
More people in the world have access to cell phones than to toilets.
There are 355 million women and girls in India who lack access to safe and basic sanitation.
The original toilet paper patent from 1891 shows that it is rolled over, rather than under, the paper tube.