Training is linked to job performance through the development of knowledge competencies, which identify the skills needed for successful performance. The effectiveness of training can be evaluated through annual performance appraisals and identifying individual training needs. Adequate training should be directed towards the best-prepared employees to ensure better long-term job performance.
The connection between training and job performance can be seen in the development of knowledge competencies. Knowledge competencies help companies organize their workforce, determine what types of jobs are needed, and what type of employees will perform the tasks best. These knowledge competencies identify the measurable skills, knowledge, abilities and behaviors required for successful performance in a specific job. They also enable managers and supervisors to evaluate and select the most appropriate training for employees. The link between training and job performance is also evident in data showing a connection between underperforming employees who lack adequate training and misconduct or unacceptable behavior in the workplace.
One of the most important factors in the overall effectiveness of vocational training is the quality, type and employee acceptance of that training. Just because a training program exists does not mean that employees are trained properly. Adequate professional training must be directed to employees who are the best prepared. This can be accomplished through training evaluation to screen employees and select the most suitable candidates who will derive the maximum benefit from the training and ensure better long-term job performance.
The effectiveness of specific training will likely be made evident when employees receive their annual performance appraisals. This may also be the best time to encourage certain employees to participate in training sessions. An employee who has more training is likely to perform better and have more value to the organization. Motivating employees to attend or pursue additional professional training can be a challenge, and some employees may need assistance, such as reminders of upcoming training sessions, reminders of the additional job security that comes with the training, or even a mandatory attendance requirement.
An effective training and job performance program will likely involve identifying the skills that need to be developed by each employee. This part of the process can also help identify more than just where the gaps lie in training and job performance. Analysis of individual training needs and job performance should ideally show where an employee’s strengths and weaknesses exist and which of these should be developed or neglected to increase the individual’s effectiveness within the organization . In other words, the connection between training and job performance lies in a company’s willingness to train people in areas where they already have a degree of proficiency to help them do a better job.