Transplant coordinator’s role?

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Transplant coordinators are needed for organ procurement and clinical care for recipients. They educate the public, locate potential donors, and advise families about organ donation. They also coordinate post-transplant care and provide counseling. There is no specific educational program, but certification is available. Demand for donated organs exceeds supply, and job turnover is high due to long hours and high stress.

Two phases of the organ transplant process require the services of a transplant coordinator: organ procurement and clinical care for recipients. A transplant procurement coordinator works to promote organ donation by educating public and health officials and developing donor programs. He or she can locate and evaluate potential donors and advise their families about organ donation. In addition, the transplant procurement coordinator may work on organ allocation, deciding which potential recipients are best for donor organs.

Clinical transplant coordinators assist the transplant process by evaluating potential donors and recipients, educating them and their families, and coordinating post-transplant care. It is the responsibility of a transplant clinical coordinator to ensure the ongoing physical and emotional well-being of transplant recipients after the procedure and to provide practical education and ongoing counseling for them and their loved ones. Some transplant coordinators may work specifically to obtain or facilitate the transplant of a specific organ, such as a heart or kidney, and with patients waiting for those organs.

There are no specific educational programs for training transplant coordinators, but training in nursing or science is recommended. Physician assistants or individuals with a master’s degree in public health or business administration can find work in the field. Degrees in psychology or social work are useful for the counseling aspects of the job.

The American Council of Transplant Coordinators provides voluntary certification. Transplant coordinators who have passed the certification exam and who have worked in the field for a minimum of one year are eligible for the Certified Purchasing Transplant Coordinator (CPTC) or Certified Clinical Transplant Coordinator (CCTC) credential. The Certified Clinical Transplant Nurse (CCTN) or Certified Transplant Preservationist (CTP) designation is awarded to registered nurses or transplant coordinators who are qualified and who have passed the exam that ensures a standard of competence in their field.

Transplant centers and agencies may be independent or affiliated with hospitals or universities. Not surprisingly, the demand for donated organs far exceeds the supply. Transplant coordinators must overcome fear, ignorance and certain prejudices in order to secure more organ donors.

There is considerable job turnover among procurement transplant coordinators because the hours are long and erratic and the stress level is high. Some purchasing coordinators stay on the job for less than 18 months before they burn out and move to less demanding roles. These vacancies, unfortunate as they are, provide employment opportunities for others looking for work in the field of transplant coordination.

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