Types of ad management systems?

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Different advertising management systems include targeting, branding, personal selling, public relations, integrated advertising, and holistic advertising. Marketers use one or more systems to create a complex advertising strategy. Targeting identifies the set of consumers likely to buy the product, branding creates a competitive framework, personal selling is in-person advertising, PR ensures a favorable view of the company, integrated advertising presents a unified product message, and holistic advertising creates strong and lasting brand associations.

The different types of advertising management systems address multiple dimensions of advertising and can vary depending on a business’s needs. Different advertising management systems include targeting, branding, personal selling, public relations (PR), integrated advertising, and holistic advertising. Business leaders might use one type of advertising management or combine two or more systems to create a more complex advertising strategy.

Targeting is an advertising management system in which marketers identify the set or sets of consumers likely to buy the company’s product. These sets of consumers are known as target markets. With targeting-style advertising management systems, marketers study the demographics of target markets and create product features and advertisements that meet the needs, wants, and lifestyles of target market members.

Branding means attempting to make meaningful and lasting connections between positive feelings and the name of the product or product line. Creating a competitive framework is one way to brand. Marketers do this by making advertisements that define the product as better than competing products in specific ways. Other branding advertising tactics include announcing product benefits, describing product features, and identifying the brand with the personality of the target market members.

Retailers and personal sellers are first-line advertisers with distinct advertising management system needs. Sellers must be recruited and selected from a pool of potential personal sellers. Sales managers provide guidance on the content and tone of sales presentations, which are in-person advertisements.

Public relations is a special type of advertising that involves ensuring that the public has a favorable view of the company and the company’s products. For this type of advertising system, PR specialists communicate with the media and the public on behalf of the company, creating advertisements that are more subtle than advertisements. Other tasks in PR Advertising Management Systems include public events, charitable support, and government lobbying.

Technology and new media are a large part of a management system called integrated advertising. In integrated advertising systems, marketers ensure that all types of company advertising present a unified product message. This message may be related to branding or targeting. Corporate websites and online ads are key elements of modern integrated advertising.

Holistic advertising applies integrated advertising elements to longer-term advertising strategies. These types of advertising management systems lock into a target market and create products, services, and advertisements that target the target market members. Unlike other systems, holistic advertising grows and develops with the consumer, creating strong and lasting brand associations.

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