Types of art therapy programs?

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Art therapy training offers certification for psychology professionals to add art therapy to their practice. Programs vary in focus, from counseling psychology to expressive therapy, and emphasize both theory and practical applications.

Art therapy training offers different programs for psychology professionals with established backgrounds in counseling and other forms of therapy. These courses, which typically take place at a graduate school level, lead to a certification that demonstrates the ability to add various forms of art therapy to an existing psychotherapy practice. Some art therapy programs require a specific set of undergraduate and graduate courses in art techniques, psychology, or social work. Depending on candidates’ areas of expertise, art therapy training can also be tailored to their fields so that they can apply art therapy to existing knowledge. In different schools, art therapy programs emphasize the study of art therapy as a primary objective or as a secondary emphasis in an advanced psychology program.

At colleges and universities, art therapy schools often offer a master’s degree in counseling psychology or a doctorate in clinical psychology, each with an emphasis in art therapy. Alternatively, other programs involve receiving a master’s degree in art therapy with an added emphasis on counseling. Some smaller, more specialized art and design schools offer master’s degrees exclusively in expressive therapy. These types of art therapy programs often integrate creativity in the visual arts and hands-on therapy in individual or group settings. An additional type of art therapy degree is broader in scope, offering practicing physicians a holistic foundation in applying the creative arts to treat a wide variety of patients, including those who have traumatic stress or substance use disorders.

Additional options are available for art therapy programs geared toward professionals in education or social work. Schools with visual arts programs that emphasize technological applications sometimes offer advanced teaching degrees to students who already hold degrees in arts education. These students may choose to study art therapy as an emphasis. Many of these education professionals apply their art therapy training to areas of special education. Applicants with a master’s in social work can also select art therapy programs that will prepare them to work primarily with children and teens with special needs.

Regardless of the specialty area, art therapy programs include courses that emphasize both theory and practical applications when working with patients. Many art therapy classes cover techniques in sculpture, drawing, painting and other mediums, as well as connections to therapeutic processes. Upon completion of this course, art therapy students may also be required to complete independent research or clinical internships.

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