Associate medical degrees in nursing, dental care, radiotherapy, diagnostic medical ultrasound, health care administration, medical records management, and medical billing and coding are available at community colleges. These two-year programs prepare students for careers as registered nurses, dental assistants, medical technologists, and more. Graduates can also use these degrees as a stepping stone to further education.
There are several different types of associate medical degrees in fields such as nursing, dental care, radiotherapy, diagnostic medical ultrasound, and health care administration. These medical associate degrees are two-year programs that are generally available at community colleges and are a cost-effective alternative to four-year bachelor’s programs at universities. These degrees help prepare students for successful careers as a registered nurse, diagnostic medical sonographer, radiologist, or medical assistant, as well as a dental assistant, medical records manager, or medical technologist. Many medical associate degrees are available inexpensively at community colleges or technical schools, and some classes are offered online.
The associate degree in nursing is an alternative to the typical four-year Bachelor of Science degree and focuses more on knowledge of technical nursing skills rather than nursing theory. This two-year degree program allows a student to become a registered nurse (RN) and gain entry-level nursing technician employment. Graduates with an associate degree in nursing can begin practicing as a registered nurse or use the associate degree as a stepping stone to further earning a bachelor of science degree, which is the requirement for many professional nursing positions.
A dental assistant’s degree prepares students to work in a dentist’s office and help with teeth cleaning, surgeries and other basic oral care. Specific courses may include dental hygiene, oral anatomy, preventive oral care, and patient relations. Classroom training will also be complemented by relevant clinical training. Students who complete a Dental Assistant Associate Degree can obtain an entry-level position as a Dental Assistant.
Medical associate degrees in radiation therapy provide the skills needed to work with oncologists and radiologists and to help provide radiation treatment to cancer patients. Relevant courses include radiological patient care, anatomy, radon principles, medical terminology, and technical writing. Graduates with an associate degree in radiation therapy can work with cancer patients in hospitals and physicians’ offices.
The associate’s degree in diagnostic medical ultrasound is a good choice for students who have a combined interest in technology and health. This degree provides students with the necessary skills to properly run ultrasound technology equipment and communicate results effectively with healthcare professionals. Courses will include anatomy, sonography, ultrasound, scanning techniques and medical terminology.
Medical associate degrees in medical records management provide students with the skills needed to organize, track, and manage patient medical records in a physician’s office or hospital. A position as a medical records manager is a good fit for someone who has excellent organizational skills as well as a passion for the medical field. Courses include anatomy, medical terminology, database management, doctor’s office procedures and computer applications.
Also available is an associate degree in medical billing and coding. This degree prepares graduates to work in hospitals, doctors’ offices or for insurance companies in the area of medical reimbursement. Courses include physician office protocol, introduction to healthcare financing, medical terminology, international classification of diseases, and understanding insurance claims.
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