Bible college accreditation varies by jurisdiction, with some countries accrediting through government agencies and others through private third-party accreditors. In the US, Bible colleges are typically accredited by specialized accrediting agencies, such as TRACS or ABHE. Accreditation involves a self-study and field visits to determine if the school meets standards. Some denominations recognize education from their own Bible colleges as suitable for ministry, even without external accreditation.
The practice of Bible college accreditation varies considerably by jurisdiction. Bible colleges may be accredited by government agencies in some countries or, as is typical in the United States, they may be accredited by private third-party accreditors. Different Bible colleges may choose accreditation from different agencies, depending on the program and accreditation goals.
Bible colleges are typically graduate institutions that offer certificates, associate’s degrees, and bachelor’s degrees to their students. These degrees are typically ministry-oriented, preparing students for direct entry into various types of jobs in Christian ministry. Students can continue to receive a seminary education, but many denominations that recognize biblical education in colleges do not require advanced or graduate degrees from those applying for credentials in ministry. There can be some considerable differences between the curriculum at Bible colleges and that offered at liberal arts colleges; therefore, accreditation for Bible colleges often differs significantly from that offered to other types of schools.
In the United States, the government does not accredit schools, although the Federal Department of Education recognizes certain accreditors. While it is possible for a Bible college to be accredited by one of the regional lenders in the United States, the administration of many Bible colleges chooses accreditation through a specialized accrediting agency. Both the Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (TRACS) and the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE) are recognized creditors of Bible colleges in the United States. Note that some denominations sponsor their own Bible colleges and recognize education received there as a suitable qualification for ministry, even if the Bible college lacks external accreditation.
Outside the United States, the Bible college accreditation process can be very different. The school may be accredited by a government agency or affiliated with an accredited school that assumes responsibility for the academic offerings of Bible colleges. In such cases, any diplomas or diplomas earned by Bible college students may actually be issued by the sponsoring accredited institution.
Obtaining Bible college accreditation is often a lengthy process, in which the Bible college must submit the results of an extensive self-study which is then compared to standards set by the accreditor. Typically, the accrediting agency sends representatives on field visits to determine whether the school provides a quality education. If the school is determined to be in line with the accreditor’s standards, it can receive accreditation and its various benefits.