Breast lumps can be caused by infection, injury, growth, or cancer. Mastitis and nipple piercing are common infections, while fibrocystic breasts and breast cysts are benign growths. Fibroadenomas are solid growths that may be removed for evaluation. Breast cancer is the most serious type of breast lump. Treatment may include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or surgery.
Breast lumps are caused by infection, injury, growth, or cancer. Breast lumps form under the skin and can be benign or malignant. They can also be temporary and go away with home remedies or they can be more permanent and require medication or surgery to correct.
The most common infection that causes breast lumps is mastitis. This is caused when nursing mothers develop a crack or cut on the areola. The bacteria enter the wound and cause a hard, painful lump to form. This can lead to an abscess where pus fills the wound or cellulitis where the whole area becomes red and infected.
Another infection that causes breast lumps is nipple piercing. If the tools used to puncture are not sterile, bacteria can enter the puncture site. Infection can also occur if the newly pierced nipple isn’t kept clean until it heals. Treatment for both types of infections typically includes warm compresses and massage into the infected area. If the sinus is still infected or if drainage occurs, antibiotics are usually prescribed.
Breast injuries can also cause lumps. This can be due to a car accident or a blow to the breast and is caused by the blood vessels in the breast rupturing. The resulting hematoma should be treated with cold compresses to reduce swelling.
Growths are another source of breast lumps. There are fibrocystic breasts, which cause the breasts to have several small lumps and are thought to be the result of hormonal changes. A mammogram is usually done so your doctor has a baseline to monitor for future breast lumps, but no treatment is needed unless further problems arise.
Breast cysts are benign breast lumps that are filled with fluid and can be tender to the touch. A breast self-examination may find these lumps but they won’t feel hard or firm. Cysts can change in size due to hormonal fluctuations during menstrual cycles and are not normally removed.
Fibroadenomas are another benign breast lump. However, these are solid, solid growths that can grow quickly. Because a mammogram may not be able to determine whether the growth is cancerous, fibroadenomas are often removed and sent to a lab for evaluation.
The most serious type of breast lumps are those caused by breast cancer. This type of breast disease may not be painful, but symptoms often include nipple discharge and inflammation around the breast. Diagnosis usually requires a breast biopsy, and treatment may include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or surgery.