Cost controllers are employed by government agencies and private companies to reduce operating costs and overheads. They may be internal or external employees, responsible for reducing expenses in a specific department or across an organization. Large companies hire management-level staff to review accounts and structure and eliminate expenses. Government agencies appoint politically neutral accountants to cost controller duties and task them with auditing government accounts and eliminating costs. Regulatory agencies employ accountants to audit struggling companies and help them avoid bankruptcy.
Government agencies and private companies employ people to fill cost controller jobs. Typically, these individuals are tasked with reducing operating costs and finding ways to reduce overhead. In many cases, cost controllers are internal employees, but in other cases, cost controllers are employed by external entities assigned to audit and cut costs at a specific company or government agency. Some controllers are responsible for reducing expenses in a specific department of a company, while high-ranking controllers are responsible for reducing expenses across an organization or even a national government.
Large companies often become inefficient as a result of mergers and acquisitions because the acquired companies have employees whose responsibilities overlap with the roles performed by existing employees. Consequently, many larger companies hire management-level staff to review the company’s accounts and structure and find ways to eliminate expenses. Many companies require cost controllers to have degrees in finance or accounting, and some companies only hire certified accountants to fill these roles. Controllers are usually hired as senior level employees because they need to have sufficient authority to conduct audits and make decisions that could impact junior employees.
In many cases, large companies employ individuals in regional cost controller roles, but these managers must report to a director or executive who takes responsibility for eliminating expenses throughout the company. A director may have the authority to initiate programs to eliminate jobs or close unprofitable offices or factories. The director may sit on the board of directors, and in many cases the chief executive officer (CEO) or president will instruct the director to formulate a plan to reduce the company’s expenses by a specific amount of money within a certain period of time. .
Government agencies are typically required to produce annual financial reports that are made publicly available to the electorate. Many conservative political parties adopt policies to reduce taxes, but in many cases, tax cuts are only possible if government spending can be reduced. Consequently, some government agencies appoint politically neutral accountants to cost controller duties and task these individuals with auditing government accounts and eliminating costs by eliminating programs or reducing the government workforce. In other cases, committees of politicians are tasked with finding cost-cutting solutions, and members of these committees take on these cost controller jobs in addition to other core responsibilities.
Courts and government regulators in some countries have the authority to audit and reorganize companies that are close to insolvency. Regulatory agencies often employ accountants in full-time cost controller jobs and these accountants are assigned to audit struggling companies and to help companies avoid bankruptcy. These accountants can make recommendations to sell the company’s assets, lay off employees, change pricing practices, and implement any other policy changes that improve the company’s financial situation.