Creative Commons is a non-profit organization that offers copyright licenses for individuals and businesses to maintain ownership of their creative content while allowing others to use it under certain conditions. There are six types of licenses, ranging from complete freedom to limited freedom to share only an original work. Each license requires credit to be attributed to the original creator, with varying restrictions on modification and commercial use.
Creative Commons is a non-profit organization that maintains a copyright licensing system created for businesses, scientific institutions, and individuals who wish to maintain ownership of their creative content by allowing others to use it under certain predetermined conditions. The organization describes this system as a “some rights reserved” approach to copyright, in contrast to the traditional legal approach to copyright which it describes as an “all rights reserved” system. The Creative Commons Attribution Licensing system includes six types of licenses, each with its own mix of predetermined permitted uses. Permitted uses range from complete freedom to modify or build on a work to limited freedom to share only an original work.
The standard attribution license grants full use rights to any person who wishes to share, sell, modify, or develop a creative work. The only requirement is that the secondary user must give credit to the author of the original work. This is the least restrictive of the Creative Commons Attribution licenses.
An Attribution-Share Alike license allows full usage rights and requires credit to be attributed to the original creator, just like the standard license. Additionally, this license requires that derivative works contain exactly the same Creative Commons Attribution License. This ensures that all generations of derivative works following the initial creative work will be freely editable and shared.
Next, an Attribution-No Derivatives license authorizes free commercial or non-commercial distribution of an original work provided credit is given to the creator. However, this license does not authorize any modification of the original work. The work must be kept in its original form.
The Attribution-Noncommercial license allows full use rights to share, modify or develop a creative work. It also requires the secondary user to give credit to the original creator. Unlike the standard license, however, this license does not permit commercial use of the original work or a derivative work.
The fifth Creative Commons Attribution License, the Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License, grants you full use rights to share or modify a creative work. There are three requirements attached to these usage rights. First, credit must go to the creator of the original work. Furthermore, no commercial use may be made of the original work or a derivative work. Finally, all derivative works must have the same Creative Commons Attribution License as the original work.
The final license type, the Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivatives license, allows secondary users to freely share an original creative work. No modifications may be made to the work, however, nor may the work be used in any commercial context. This license is the most restrictive of the six Creative Commons Attribution licenses.