Dyslexia can cause various disabilities in reading, writing, and math. There are different types of dyslexia, including auditory, visual, semantic, and careless dyslexia. Dyscalculia and dysgraphia are also types of dyslexia. Primary, secondary, and traumatic dyslexia are the three main varieties.
Experts believe there are different types of dyslexia that can cause varying degrees of disability in spelling, reading, writing, and even doing math. Auditory dyslexia, also known as dysphonetic dyslexia, typically occurs when the person has trouble connecting letters or combinations of letters with the appropriate sounds. Visual dyslexia, also sometimes called diseidetic dyslexia, usually affects the way a person sees written language.
Other types can include semantic dyslexia, which is normally defined as an impairment in the ability to understand word definitions, and careless dyslexia, which can inadvertently cause letters to fall off the ends or beginnings of words when reading. While a person with mild dyslexia may only have one of the disabilities associated with the condition, more severe types of dyslexia could leave a person facing more than one of these disabilities simultaneously.
Most people with dyslexia suffer from an impaired ability to read, write, and write. However, not all types of dyslexia manifest in speech difficulties. Dyscalculia, a condition thought to be a kind of dyslexia, generally impairs a person’s ability to understand number symbols and perform basic mathematical calculations, although that person’s ability to understand more advanced mathematical ideas remains unaffected. Some people with dyslexia may also suffer from dysgraphia, which generally impairs a person’s ability to write letters correctly and spell words. It is considered very possible, however, for a person to have a reading disability related to dyslexia without having problems writing, speaking or spelling.
Primary dyslexia, secondary dyslexia, and trauma dyslexia are thought to be the three main varieties of dyslexia that can cause these disorders. Primary dyslexia is generally thought to be hereditary and probably affects more men than women. Experts think that this type of dyslexia occurs due to left brain dysfunction. Many people with this type of dyslexia will be able to learn to read, write, spell and perform basic math problems, but will generally never be able to progress beyond the level of a normal nine- or ten-year-old.
Secondary dyslexia is a type of dyslexia believed to occur due to problems in early childhood or even fetal development. It is also believed to affect more men than women. With specialized education and training techniques, many people with secondary dyslexia find their impairments greatly diminished by the time they reach adulthood.
Traumatic dyslexia is a type of dyslexia that can affect those who experience trauma to the reading and writing centers of the brain. It usually only occurs after a head injury and is therefore usually more common in adults than in young children.